2011 S 展演空間導論 – 永續性 CONSUMPTION GROWTH – Taking the House Market Since 1950 in the US for Example The average new house ( 新建獨立住宅 ) has increased by 1,247.


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Presentation transcript:

2011 S 展演空間導論 – 永續性 CONSUMPTION GROWTH – Taking the House Market Since 1950 in the US for Example The average new house ( 新建獨立住宅 ) has increased by 1,247 sq. ft (116 m 2 ) while the average household ( 家庭 ) has shrunk by 1 person. 1 in 5 new homes is larger than 3,000 sq. ft (279 m 2 )(84 坪 ). 88% of American commuters ( 通勤族 ) drive to work and 76% of those drivers commute alone. (250 million registered cars in the US.) 1 in 2 homes has 2.5 baths or more. People who live in cities use half as much energy as suburbanites.

2011 S 展演空間導論 – 永續性 OUR MISSION The global building sector needs to cut energy consumption in buildings ( 減 少能源使用 ) 60 % BY 2050 to help meet global climate change targets. Means to achieve the goal - 節流 Passively ( 被動 ): Conserve ( 節省 ) energy use and improve efficiency ( 效能 ) - 開源 Actively ( 主動 ): On-site, distributed renewable energy generation Teatro Del Agua, Spain – A solar desalination plant The Shanghai Tower

2011 S 展演空間導論 – 永續性

Model of Sustainability (Campbell) Equity Economy Conflict over property Conflict over resources Conflict over development Ecology Sustainable Development Energy Technical / Design Social / Moral / Atheistic Environment Financial / Market

2011 S 展演空間導論 – 永續性 GREEN BUILDING ( 綠建築 ) / SUSTAINABILITY BUILDING ( 永續建築 ) Practitioners ( 從業者 ) of green building often seek to achieve not only ecological but AESTHETIC HARMONY between a structure and its surrounding (natural or built) environment. The appearance and style of sustainable homes and buildings CAN BE NEARLY INDISTINGUISHABLE ( 無法辨認的 ) from their less sustainable counter-parts ( 對照 ).

2011 S 展演空間導論 – 永續性 Ten of the World’s Most Beautiful Green Buildings Le Project Triangle Cathedral of Christ the Light Cellophane House Lifepods EDITT Tower

2011 S 展演空間導論 – 永續性 AIA/COTE Top Ten Green Projects Every year the AIA ( 美國建築學會 ) Committee on the Environment (COTE) invites electronic submission of built projects and award 10 projects designed by AIA members.

2011 S 展演空間導論 – 永續性 AIA/COTE Top Ten Green Projects AIA/COTE 10 Measures of Sustainable Design -Sustainable Design Intent & Innovation -Regional/Community Design & Connectivity -Land Use & Site Ecology -Bioclimatic Design -Light & Air -Water Cycle -Energy Flows & Energy Future -Materials, Building Envelope, & Construction -Long Life, Loose Fit -Collective Wisdom & Feedback Loops

2011 S 展演空間導論 – 永續性 MORE OR LESS TECHNOLOGY High-Tech Approach ( Rogers, Foster, Hopkins, Grimshaw) –Emerged in the 70’s. –A technical driven approach but was however an architectural style –Emphasizing structure and advance technology –Efficient construction process ( 有效率的構築過程 : 模組化 ).

2011 S 展演空間導論 – 永續性

Low-tech Approach –Recycling of materials and components –Traditional construction, insulation, and natural means of heating and ventilation. –More to poverty-stricken areas. –Use more local labors that provide job oppertunities. –Might involve the use of human wastes to generate energy and nutrient for the soil. MORE OR LESS TECHNOLOGY

2011 S 展演空間導論 – 永續性

RESPECT OF TRADITION – Local Wisdom and Knowledge Renzo Piano Tjibaou Cultural Center, New Caledonia ( 新喀里多尼亞 ) 南台平洋澳洲布里斯班東 北角 (1998)

2011 S 展演空間導論 – 永續性 GREEN BUILDING INCREASING THE EFFICIENCY with which buildings and their sites use and harvest –energy, –water, –materials. REDUCING BUILDING IMPACTS on human health and the environment, through the complete building life cycle –siting, –design, –construction, –Operation and maintenance –removal.

2011 S 展演空間導論 – 永續性 LEED possible base points for 5 categories 6 points for Innovation in Design 4 points for Regional Priority. US RATING SYSTEMS

2011 S 展演空間導論 – 永續性 TAIWAN RATING SYSTEMS EEWH (Ecology, energy conservation, waste reduction and health) 100 possible base points Comprises 9 indicators that fall into 4 categories –Water soil content (infiltration and retention) –Energy savings (for the building envelope, lighting and HVAC) –CO2 emissions reduction –Construction waste reduction –Water conservation –Garbage and sewage improvements –Biodiversity –Indoor environmental quality.

2011 S 展演空間導論 – 永續性 SUSTAINED ECOLOGY SYSTEM Biodiversity ( 生態多樣 性 ) -The degree of variation of life forms within a given ecosystem. -Greater biodiversity implies greater health of the ecosystem. Urban planting should encourage -Biodiversity -Native species ( 原生 ) -Continuation of green spaces

2011 S 展演空間導論 – 永續性

LONG OR SHORT LIFESPAN – from Planning to Demolition Study Period Life-Cycle Cost Replacement Cost Investmen t Costs Operating Costs Residual Value Replacement Cost First Cost

2011 S 展演空間導論 – 永續性 LONG OR SHORT LIFESPAN – from Planning to Demolition AA B

2011 S 展演空間導論 – 永續性 Embedded Energy The energy consumed by all of the processes associated with the production ( 構築 ) of a building. - Extract ( 採掘 / 提煉 ) - Manufacture ( 製造 / 加工 ) - Transport ( 運輸 ) - Install ( 安裝 ) 空間尺寸與材料用量的控制 減少裝修材 使用再生建材或廢棄物

2011 S 展演空間導論 – 永續性