Relativity, Quantum and the Kabbalistic Language of the Universe Pesach 5771
Albert Michelson 1894 “Most of the grand underlying principles have been firmly established.”
Lord Kelvin 1900
Two Clouds on the Horizon Properties of light motion Aspects of Radiation
Quantum Mechanics
Niels Bohr Quantum and Ordinary Language Do I really understand it?
Light The particle wave paradox
Schrödinger’s Cat
Observer’s Determination Heinz Pagels – NY Academy of Sciences “No meaning to the objective existence of an electron...The electron seems to spring into existence as a real object only when we observe it!”
Non Locality Entangled photons
Four Forces of the Universe
Electroweak Laureate Biography Sheldon L. Glashow shared the 1979 Nobel Prize in Physics with Steven Weinberg and Abdus Salam for independently creating and developing the electroweak theory, which unified two of the fundamental forces in nature. Their theories showed how the weak nuclear interaction, responsible for beta-radioactive decay and for the transformation of hydrogen into helium that allows the Sun to burn, is a different example of the same fundamental force behind electromagnetic interactions.
Maharal and the Number Four The four cups The four “Imahot” The third and fourth parshiot of Tefilin
Unified Reality Unity of Knowledge Consistence Consilience
Michael Green and John Schwarz 1984
The Theory of Everything Superstring Theory
Superstring Gravitational properties determined by energy of vibrational pattern of internal string. Electric, weak and strong charges determined by the precise way it vibrates.
BT Arakhin 13b The harp of the Sanctuary had seven cords… The harp of the messianic days has eight cords... The harp of the world to come has ten cords, as it is said: With an instrument of ten strings…