Science and its Development
Induction Verification Observation Regularity Hypothesis Observation + Reinforcement
How to distinguish between science and bogus science? The searchfor verification is easy on the assumption that is sought. The challenge: Searching for reinforcement which is a result of a forecast involving risk. General theory of relativity- Einstein The Historical Theory- Marx Psychoanalysis- Freud Psychology- Adler Does not explain everything in the field of knowledge Criteria for rebuttal exist Explaining everything in their field of knowledge. No criteria for rebuttal
Induction is not valid (Hume) Science= Belief Science is created in a non-inductive process Deduction
Rebuttal Problem Hypothesis Criteria for Rebuttal Experiments and Observations
Preconceived opinions and firmly based viewpoints are conditions for success in the sciences (Deduction). There are two characteristics of scientific development: º Unprecedented achievement, which attracts a group of followers. º Open ends to this achievement, presenting problems to be solved by the group. Paradigm
(Scientific Work) Reinforcement, Improvement A competing paradigm A community Control Community education scientific development
Scientific Progress According to Peter Galison's Approach- Application to Political Science Shmuel Grimland- November 2003
Background and introduction Methodology Scientific progress according to P. Galison. A demonstration of progress in political science Summary Appendix- Complexity
Background and introduction Link to previous presentation- "Scientific Development" Peter Galison's approach Use of new mathematical tools: -The game theory -The chaos theory -Systems which develop and organize themselves.
Methodology Quality orientation Applying tools from a different scientific area. Sources of the work
Scientific Progress According to P. Galison Who is Peter Galison? Principles of the approach: -Encouraged by the development of tools and approaches -The concept of the "trade zone" -Image and logic The combined approach Private theory of relativity, cosmology, molecular biology (Double Helix)
Demonstration of Progress in Political Science Based on an article by Gunguz Gungor, "The Nonlinear and Scaled Growth of the Ottoman and Roman Empires“ The growth of a system Exponential growth The expansion of the Ottoman and Roman empires
The Expansion of Empire Lands
The Expansion of the Roman Empire
Summary There is no fundamental difference between the approach of Kuhn and that of Galison It is a matter of emphases New directions
Appendix (Complexity) Lexicon : xity/lexicon.htm Book: :”Dynamics of Complex Systems” Website: :