Sarita Pillai Education Development Center, Inc. NGCP Webinar, March 25 th 2010 Girls Communicating Career Connections (GC3)
INTRODUCTION: Education Development Center, Inc. Portfolio of youth media and technology projects National Science Foundation funding Learner-centered – youth as co-designers The FunWorks ( Girls Communicating Career Connections ( Middle School Portal 2: Math and Science Pathways (
Introduction WHAT IS GC3? 7 girl-produced career videos Related career information (18 careers in total) Companion educator materials Educators/facilitators guide Video production curriculum Website:
Introduction OUR GOALS: Generate awareness of S/E career possibilities and dispell gender-based career stereotypes Highlight commonly-known/entry-point careers along with more advanced S/E careers Emphasize the importance of 21 st century skill development in career and life success Demonstrate the positive social impact of scientific careers Inspire girls to take action now in realizing a future career, and enable educators to help them get there
Introduction OUR PROCESS & PARTNERS: All-girl co-design teams 6-8 middle school aged girls and staff Video production curriculum (16-20 sessions) Career research, field trips, interviews, self-documentation, scripting, post-production Pilot tests, evaluation Partners Young Women’s Leadership Charter School (Chicago, IL) SpyHop Productions (Salt Lake City, UT)
Introduction Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Pediatrician Food Scientist Cultural Anthropologist Graphic Designer Forensic Scientist Marine Biologist/Aquarist Agricultural and Food Scientist Atmospheric Scientist Biomedical Engineer Civil Engineer Computational Scientist Game Designer Geoscientist Plasma Physicist Robotics Engineer Statistician Toxicologist
Introduction Thank you! Sarita Pillai EDC, Inc.