The Endocrine system has 2 major organs responsible for the changes humans go through from child to adult: Ovaries Testes
Sexual Reproduction Life begins as a single cell. That single cell is produced by the joining of two other cells: Egg – Female sex cell Sperm – Male sex cell
Fertilization Fertilization is the joining of the sperm and egg. It is an important part of sexual reproduction. Sexual reproduction involves the production of eggs by the female and sperm by the male. The egg and sperm join together during fertilization.
Fertilization A fertilized egg (egg + sperm) is known as a Zygote. They zygote is a SINGLE cell (egg + sperm). Inside the zygote are chromosomes. These chromosomes hold ALL your DNA. It has all the information you need to grow into a human.
Male Reproductive System The male reproductive system is specialized to produce sperm and the hormone testosterone. These structures of the male reproductive system include the: Testes Scrotum Penis
The Testes Oval shaped. Males have 2 (singular testis) The testes or made of hundreds of tiny coiled tubes. Sperm is produced in these tiny coiled tubes.
Testes Produce Testosterone – a hormone that controls the development of physical characteristics in mature men. Facial Hair Deepening Voice Broadening of Shoulders Ability to produce sperm
Testes Are located in the Scrotum. The scrotum is located in an external pouch of skin allowing for a slightly lower body temperature. Sperm need a slightly lower temperature to remain healthy.
Sperm Production Sperm production begins in the early teenage years for males. The head of the sperm contains half the chromosomes needed for a human’s DNA. It also has a tail to allow for mobility (movement like swimming)
The Path of Sperm Cells Sperm cells form in the testes. Then they pass through other structures/tubes and mix with fluids from nearby glands. This mixture is called semen. In each drop of semen, there are 5 – 10 million sperm cells! This fluid allows the environment for sperm to swim.
Semen leaves the body through and organ called the penis. The tube the semen exits through is called the urethra. Urine also exits the body through these tubes.