TASHKENT MEDICAL ACADEMY Department: Communal and Labor Hygiene
1 To familiarize students with basic sanitary requirements for structures of consumer services 2 Teach techniques and technology review of draft structures of consumer services 3 Teach a method of carrying out the objects of the SPE consumer services. PURPOSE OF EMPLOYMENT:
The student should know: Ethical and legal rules governing the relationship of man to man, society and the environment. Features of the organization and conduct of sanitary and epidemiological measures to mitigate the adverse effects of risk factors on health and the environment. Give an opinion on the basis of the sanitary requirements of the state of consumer services Rules for sampling and swabs, transportation and storage, preparation of the accompanying form.
Student should be able CSS on controlled communal facilities; Conduct sanitary inspection of supervision and make appropriate accounting and reporting documentation of controlled objects. Stages of implementation of PSS for new objects of consumer services
Baths are divided into the following types Russian type- with soap, shower, steam room. Type- combined with showers and steam room. Crossing type possible use as sanitary inspection room
Baths should be placed in separate buildings with no more than 2 floors. Radius service bath should not exceed km in the cities., And in rural areas - 2 km.
Percentage of building bath is 35%. Dimensions volume-planning and design elements of buildings baths, as well as the location of center axes should be taken according to the BRN. Depending on the terrain height of the bath shall be as follows floors m, with 100 seats or more m.
The degree of fire resistance of buildings should not be below the building baths Sh 20 seats or less are allowed to design IY - Y degree of fire resistance. Building of baths should be located at a distance of not less than 10 meters from the red line of the building. The composition of the premises baths should be determined depending on the capacity of urban baths and local conditions. №Room Number of seats in% Area m Number of seats до 30до от Entrance hall with wardrobe 135 0,45 0,35 2.Waiting room35 0,75 3.Dressing60 1,8 1,7 1,6 4.Soap40 2,4 _ 2,2 5.Shower40 2,2 6.Sweat lodge4044,8 34,8 7. The swimming-swimming pools ,5
Baths for 20 persons or more must have a male and female branch. Vestibules and wardrobes may be common to male and female divisions. Baths for 20 persons or less may be designed with one compartment for alternate service men and women According to the purpose baths are toiletries, throughput and mixed. Free baths are the most common, their purpose purely hygienic washing of the body, his "toilet". Baths crossing but have hygienic epidemiologic purposes. They made a complete sanitization groups: wash, cut, disinfection of washable linen and clothes
It is assumed that the radius of the public service of baths should not exceed km in cities and in rural areas - 2 km. Of the population living in the given range should be excluded those who live in apartments with baths or showers. The remaining population is the initial value when calculating the bandwidth bath. But from this calculated value should be excluded those who do not use bath; young children, the sick, the elderly Bandwidth baths - it is determined by the number of the population to be served, the number of washes per year per resident work hours and baths. In the calculations, it is necessary to take into account the population living on the bath at such a distance that allows residents to walk or enjoying convenient transportation regularly visit the bath and on his return is not exposed to the cold season, long-term cooling.
The result is a formula for calculating the capacity of the bath: А х в х с х d Х= 100 х е х д where: X - requirements Number of bath seats or bath bandwidth in 1 hour A - population (except for having baths or showers in residential Dolma); In - people enjoying baths (about 80%); C - number of washes per year; d - the residence time in the bath; e - the number of work days per year in the bath; d - number of hours per day bath. The result is a formula for calculating the capacity of the bath: А х в х с х d Х= 100 х е х д where: X - requirements Number of bath seats or bath bandwidth in 1 hour A - population (except for having baths or showers in residential Dolma); In - people enjoying baths (about 80%); C - number of washes per year; d - the residence time in the bath; e - the number of work days per year in the bath; d - number of hours per day bath.
Types of sanitary inspection: Sanitary topographical Sanitary technical Sanitary epidemiologic al Qualitative analysis of gas do once a month to determine the ratio 1 Methane 2 Hydrogen, oxygen, 3 nitrogen 4 Hydrogen sulfide
Under the above norms for cities with a population of people of which 25,000 are in flats tubs or showers and baths, subject to work 10 hours a day required bath seats ( )х80x52-1 Х = = х 300 х 10 Average number of bath seats are usually close to or equal to 1% of the population served baths. Bath maintenance necessary to approximate the population and, instead of one at 1040 places should build 4 baths 260 seats each in different areas of the city. Baths and dressing mixed type with a capacity of 20 persons or more per hour should have 2 divisions: male and female are usually the same size. In normal times, such a bath with 2 offices operate as toilet service both men and women. serves as a recreation room after washing in the bath;
a) Opening of doors between male and female Soap; b) converting one of the dressing room in the dressing; c) processed passes through one of the input and the output after processing through other; In case of necessity the bath can be performed to sanitary inspection room:
In the dressing room seats must equal the capacity of the bath 1 hour, ie, up to 100%, the number of seats in the soap should 70% of the capacity of the bath as part of visitors at this time is to dress or undress in the dressing room. On the contrary, a wardrobe must be designed and washable, and waiting. Closet is usually placed in the lobby of the bath and has great health significance; taking off and store it in outerwear, hats and galoshes unloads locker and improve its health value. In addition to the lobby hangers can be placed cash and kiosks selling soft drinks and toiletries soap, sponges.
The method of "academic controversy" Divide the group into small groups (MG). All students offer one job as a situational problem or specific issues related to the topic. List of questions to be answered by each Mg, specify their value in points. What are the two parts is the overlap? What is the foundation? List the parts of buildings What types of projects do you know What are the design stage What are the types of residential buildings List the tasks PSS
View situational problemCauses of situational problems Action to solve the problem View situational problem Causes of situational problems Action to solve the problem 2- group Expert lists for working with groups Fill in the table "Case study Group 1
5 How many classes divided by the value of the SPZ SRN : Test
- Iskandarova T. T. "Regional san. gig. problems protection water sources "water inpatient population of Uzbekistan. T Health rules and norms plan and building populated Places Republic Uzbekistan Health norms allowable levels electromagnetic fields radio Health rules devices and content cemeteries Health rules and norms optimal and allowable density building residential territories cities Uzbekistan The literature:
continuation - Health rules and norms design residential homes in climate conditions Uzbekistan Health rules and regulations devices and content public toilets Hygiene demands to institutions, organizations, enterprises and persons engaged disinfection activities Health rules and norms at use mobile phones Lecture materials.
MoH of RUz TMA - http: //web.tma TMA Wi-Fizone ZiyONet Internet sites