Generational Survey Attitudes Towards Use of Technology and Impact on Teamwork
About the survey… Purpose To assess differing views by generation towards technology in team meetings To assess the impact of “continuous partial attention” on team effectiveness, cohesiveness and satisfaction Survey delivery methods Online/web-based Invitation/link sent via Link published on school announcement page Paper—completed hardcopy entered online Respondents Staff, faculty and students at a Mid-Atlantic college 197 completed surveys
Meeting Types N=197 N=5N=66N=92N=34 Select your birth year:What types of team meetings do you attend most frequently?
Meetings Attended How many team meetings per week do you attend? How many members on your teams? N=197
Technology Communication Methods N=5N=66 N=92 N=34 How important are the following communications methods to you? Very Important5 Somewhat Important4 Somewhat unimportant3 Not important2 Do not have one1
Personal Technology Use During Meetings N=4 N=62 N=88 N=33 How often do you use the following during meetings? Always5 Frequently4 Sometimes3 Rarely2 Never1
Why do you use a Blackberry/PDA in a team meeting setting? (Check all that apply) N=69
Why do you use a Cell Phone in a team meeting setting? (Check all that apply) N=187
Why do you use a Notebook/Laptop computer in a team meeting setting? (Check all that apply) N=163
Survey Results N=197N=5N=66N=92N=34 AppropriatenessTotal VeteranBoomerGen XGen Y It is appropriate for you to use your Blackberry/PDA in a team meeting setting It is appropriate for you to use your Notebook/Laptop computer in a team meeting setting It is appropriate for you to use your Cell Phone in a team meeting setting It is appropriate for your team member to use their Blackberry/PDA in a team meeting setting It is appropriate for your team member to use their Notebook/Laptop computer in a team meeting setting It is appropriate for your team member to use their cell phone in a team meeting setting =Strongly Agree 4=Agree 3=Neither Agree Nor Disagree 2= Disagree 1=Strongly Disagree
Survey Results (continued0 N=197N=5N=66N=92N=34 EffectivenessTotal VeteranBoomerGen XGen Y Use of Blackberries/PDAs in a team meeting setting positively impacts the effectiveness of the team Use of Notebook/Laptop computers in a team meeting setting positively impacts the effectiveness of the team Use of cell phones in a team meeting setting positively impacts the effectiveness of the team =Strongly Agree 4=Agree 3=Neither Agree Nor Disagree 2= Disagree 1=Strongly Disagree
Survey Results (continued) N=197N=5N=66N=92N=34 Cohesiveness/synergyTotal VeteranBoomerGen XGen Y Use of Blackberries/PDAs in a team meeting setting positively impacts the cohesiveness/synergy of the team Use of Notebook/Laptop computers in a team meeting setting positively impacts the cohesiveness/synergy of the team Use of cell phones in a team meeting setting positively impacts the cohesiveness/synergy of the team =Strongly Agree 4=Agree 3=Neither Agree Nor Disagree 2= Disagree 1=Strongly Disagree
Survey Results (continued) N=197N=5N=66N=92N=34 SatisfactionTotal VeteranBoomerGen XGen Y Your overall satisfaction in working on a team or group is dependent on the effectiveness of the team Your overall satisfaction in working on a team or group is dependent on the cohesiveness/synergy of the team =Strongly Agree 4=Agree 3=Neither Agree Nor Disagree 2= Disagree 1=Strongly Disagree