National Conference on Agriculture for Kharif Campaign-2010 PRESENTED BY R.K.TRIPATHY (IAS) Principal Secretary – Agriculture & Co-operation Govt. of Gujarat KRISHI MAHOTSAV
2 Key factor of Agricultural reform in the state (Major IEC Activities) Created Awareness Transfer of Technology in Agriculture and dairy sector Increase proximity between Agriculture Scientist and farmers Try to converge schematic scheme -Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam (Hon. Ex. President of the India) Agriculture and Cooperation Department Government of Gujarat
Krushi Mahotsav IEC – Nearly One lakh officials along with agriculture scientists move to all villages from the day of first sowing for a month, with knowledge inputs and meet farmers. Dynamic Program ; Theme & Thrust change every year All schemes for farmers are converged and implemented. Soil health, organic farming and water management are thrust areas
4 Activities involved Input kits Soil sampling and Soil Health Card Kisan Credit Card Kisan Shibir Start Soil & Water conservation works Krushi Rath takes Visit of all villages during the mahotsav Promotion of Micro irrigation e-Gram project Animal vaccination Milk Cooperative Societies Land transfer documents Rural development through public private partnership
5 Tree Saplings Agricultural Kit Distribution Soil Health Card Credit Vadi yojna Water Conservation Healthy Live Stock Land Reclamation Farmer Individual Beneficiary Scheme New Approach Release of all Agricultural related subsidy & Kharif related subsidy
6 Environmental Awareness Cleaning of irrigation channels & water channels Co-Operatives Water Conservation Guidance to farmers Awakening the farmers Village Centric Activities Optimum Use of Existing Infrastructure Farmers Community Oriented Scheme New Approach
7 Krushi Mahotsav– to KRISHI MAHOTSAV Government Agriculture Universities APMC, Dairy, Co-op. Bank, Fertilizer company Private Seed Producers
Using APMC as a model - Soil health lab - Agri Implement Centre - Permanent Exhibition hall - Display Centre - FLDs - Adoption of farmer development - Khedut Shibir - Extension Services - Drip irrigation and Net cultivation 8
9 Planning for 2010 Convergence of the schemes Training to farmers, students, Sarpanches, Field staff Wide scale Demonstrations on high tech cultivation & micro irrigation- mulching Exhibition of farm implements & farm machineries Establishment of Soil health laboratories, farmers training and permanent exhibition at APMCs level Vermi-compost training at Fruits & Vegetable markets Entrepreneurship training for the farmers (4000 farmers) Formation of teams of Retired scientist/officers and students for farm advisory Distribution of Input kits
10 Government departments Fertilizers Companies APMC RKVY Universities NHM. Private seed companies TASP DRDA NFSM. Dairy University Government Ashram school Progressive farmers FLD FLD for new technology FLD based on nursery net house, & green house FLD of vegetable prod. In net house at Govt. hostels &Ashram schools FLD at progressive farmers Seed production program Micro Irrigation System Planning of 525 FLDs
11 Structure of K.M. - For Animal Husbandry Free medical camps which includes surgery Disease treatment Distribution of vermicidal medicines Free vaccination Free Artificial insemination to animals Free vaccination to livestock for FMD, RM & other disease Free 5 product enhancement nutrient kits in every village. Total kits are going to be distribute freely Nutritive cake & mineral mix distribution to livestock holders
12 Impact & Assessment Transfer of Agricultural Knowledge Awareness of Govt. Agricultural Schemes Increase involvement in farming & farm income Increase innovativeness among farmers Building Transparency in transfer of subsidies Farmer awareness Disbursal of subsidy benchmark Adoption of high-tech inputs General Awareness