Dr. Hind E. Satti Partners In Health, Lesotho March, 2008
TB SITUATION IN LESOTHO 12,275 TB cases notified in 2007 Estimated prevalence of 544 per 100,000 population Estimated annual incidence for all cases is 691 per 100,000 population Estimated incidence of Sputum smear positive cases is 281 per 100,000 population 75% of new TB cases among age-group years; Estimated all TB deaths is 107/100,000 annually The HIV prevalence rate in Lesotho stands at 23.2% in 2005; 80% of TB cases are HIV positive(NTP 2008); 109MDR-TB cases currently on treatment
May 2007: National guidelines for management of MDR-TB Collaboration with MOHSW and WHO Developed from WHO global guidelines. July 2007: Training of health staff Training materials for health staff at district level. Training materials for MDR- TB treatment supporters.
Building national lab capacity Equipment Staffing Training and supervision infrastructure Close relationship with SRL Culture and DST while national capacity is being built Proficiency testing Central TB laboratory is now performing culture and first line DST as well as the Rapid RIF testing.
All NTP staff TB Officers at district hospitals Health centre nurses providing TB care Routine HIV screening of MDR-TB patients, partners, family members Protocol for “medium-risk” and “high-risk” Sputum sent to national TB laboratory Initially sent to MRC Pretoria (March 2007) First-line DST now available in Maseru (Sept 2007) Screening of household contacts
Outpatient TB clinics and general outpatient clinics Treatment supporters Family members Inpatient Cross-infection of patients Protection of health workers (TB and HIV)
MDR-TB Clinical Teams at all district hospitals Medical Officer ART Nurse TB Officer TB Coordinator Empiric treatment for high-risk suspects Early initiation of ART in all co-infected patients, regardless of CD4 Referral to Maseru for complicated patients
MDR-TB Treatment Supporters Village Health Worker; community volunteer; KYS counselor Accepted by the patient Trained and supervised by District MDR-TB Clinical Team Incentives
Twice-daily DOT Injections Psychosocial support Screening household contacts Accompaniment to clinical visits
Very sick patients Bedridden Severely wasted Severe side effects Severe hypokalemia Acute renal failure Severe OIs Meningitis Esophageal candidiasis
Started on August 2007 109 patients enrolled. 48 patients pre GLC cohort. 72% HIV co-infection rate History of multiple failed TB treatments Average of 8 household contacts per patient
Geography Advanced HIV disease Severe malnutrition/wasting Clinical complications and side effects Working through the “backlog” quickly