The Athletic Training Room Miss Van Heuven
The Central Training Room A multipurpose facility designed to accommodate a variety of athletic training and sports medicine needs
The Central Training Room Things to consider: Taping/Treatment Area Rehab/Exercise Area Storage Plumbing and Wet Area Office/desk area (computer) Telephone Access (landline) *Wisely placed electrical
The Central Training Room: Rules and Regulations Quick Activity: As a class, list all of the Rules and Regulations that you would enforce in an Athletic Training Room
Rules and Regulations Some examples: Athletes must report all injuries (regardless of severity) Treatment given ONLY by approved training staff Treatment shall continue until athlete is cleared to return to sport No horseplay, running, or improper language Appropriate athletic attire required No cleats or spikes Do not remove any equipment from training room No food or drink Only athletes requiring treatment are permitted in the training room
Medical Kits A portable storage container for medical supplies
Medical Kits Sample Medical Kit Supply List: Adhesive tape Antibacterial cream Applicators (cotton tip) Bandages Biohazard bags Emergency contact info*** Gauze pads Gloves (latex) Hydrogen peroxide Ice and Ice bags Saline solution/eyewash Scissors/tape cutters Massage lotion Tape adherent Thermometer Prewrap/Underwrap Elastic wrap
OSHA The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) establishes federal standards for prevention of work- related injury associated with exposure to blood-borne pathogens
OSHA Regulations Exposure control plan must be on hand Staff are trained about bloodborne pathogens All exposures are documented and reported Personal protective equipment is available to staff Hepatitis B vaccine is offered to all at-risk staff There are special containers for biohazardous materials and sharps All staff members follow standard precautions Proper disinfection techniques are used to clean tools and work surfaces
Non-Consumable Supplies in the Training Room Crutches Splints Boots Slings Towels (that can be washed) Diagnostic instruments Scissors, tweezers, tape cutters
Therapeutic Modalities Various methods and mechanisms used to promote healing and mobility Mechanical Massage, mobilization Thermal Heat and ice Electrical Ultrasound, e-stim
Exercise Equipment Treadmill Elliptical Stationery bike (upright or recumbent) Nautilus machines Dumbbells/free weights
Rehab/Supplemental Exercise Equipment Resistance bands Plyometric boxes Stability balls Medicine balls Yoga mats Foam rollers Balance pads Bosu balls
Athletic Training Room: Video Tour of the BEST SCHOOL EVER’s Athletic Training Room
Sports Seasons: PLHS Fall Sports (Aug. - Nov.) Winter Sports (Nov. - Feb.) Spring Sports (Feb. - May) Cross Country (Men's & Women's) Basketball (Men's & Women's) Badminton (Men's & Women's) Field Hockey (Women's) Soccer (Men's & Women's) Baseball (Men's & Winter club) Football (Men's) Water Polo (Women's) Golf (Men's) Golf (Women's) Wrestling (Men's & Women's) Softball (Women's) Tennis (Women's) Swim Team (Men's & Women's) Volleyball (Women's) Tennis (Men's) Water Polo (Men's) Track and Field (Men's & Women's) Volleyball (Men's) Lacrosse (Men's & Women's)
Sports Seasons: NCAA NCAA = National Collegiate Athletic Association Fall SportsWinter SportsSpring Sports FootballBasketballTrack and Field Cross CountryWrestlingBaseball W VolleyballFencingBadminton SoccerSkiingSoftball W Field HockeyGymnasticsW Water Polo M Water PoloIndoor Track and FieldSwimming and Diving CheerleadingIce HockeyTennis RifleLacrosse W BowlingM Volleyball W Rowing Golf
Some Sports You May Not Have Seen: NCAA Bowling NCAA Rifle NCAA Skiing Badminton
See, Touch, Learn the Training Room Go into the Athletic Training room to look at all of the equipment/supplies we just discussed Ask questions and take notes
Group Project: The Central Training Room Design your ideal Athletic Training Room Label some of the key equipment you included List some of the key supplies you would keep in storage
Training Room Competition Race to label! Make team name Timed (no running) Place #’s on corresponding piece of equipment