MARIJUANA The Marijuana of today is a different and much more potent substance than the marijuana of the 60’s and 70’s….. The Marijuana of today is a different and much more potent substance than the marijuana of the 60’s and 70’s….. “Today, marijuana is strong enough to change the trajectory of a kid’s life.” “Today, marijuana is strong enough to change the trajectory of a kid’s life.” Andrea Grubb Barthwell Andrea Grubb Barthwell White House Office of National Drug Control Policy White House Office of National Drug Control Policy
Marijuana Used to smoke the leaves – now smoking the bud – only produced by the female plant – much more potent than the leaves Used to smoke the leaves – now smoking the bud – only produced by the female plant – much more potent than the leaves 60-70’s:.5-3% THC 60-70’s:.5-3% THC High lasted 45 minutes High lasted 45 minutes Noticed skewed emotional reactions Noticed skewed emotional reactions Got the “munchies” Got the “munchies” Today: 6-20% THC Today: 6-20% THC High lasts 3-6 hours High lasts 3-6 hours Eye-hand coordination affected Eye-hand coordination affected Sense of speed, distance, time Sense of speed, distance, time
MARIJUANA (weed, bud, chronic) Leaves of the cannabis sativa plant.....dried, crumbled, and then smoked.
Immediate Effects of Smoking Marijuana Intoxication begins as a “high” feeling Intoxication begins as a “high” feeling Followed by symptoms that include Followed by symptoms that include Euphoria, inappropriate laughter and grandiosity, sedation, lethargy, impairment in short-term memory, difficulty carrying out complex mental processes, impaired judgment and motor performance, decreased depth perception, distorted sensory perceptions, distortion of time (passing slowly) Euphoria, inappropriate laughter and grandiosity, sedation, lethargy, impairment in short-term memory, difficulty carrying out complex mental processes, impaired judgment and motor performance, decreased depth perception, distorted sensory perceptions, distortion of time (passing slowly) *****dependent on dosage – anxiety, paranoia Hallucinations may be present
Immediate Effects of Smoking Marijuana Psychoactive symptoms are accompanied by (developing within 2 hours of ingestion) Red Eyes (conjunctiva) Increased Appetite Dry Mouth Increased heartrate
Immediate Effects of Smoking Marijuana Intoxication develops within minutes if the cannabis is smoked – duration of effects is 3-6 hours Intoxication develops within minutes if the cannabis is smoked – duration of effects is 3-6 hours Intoxication develops in a few hours if ingested orally – duration is somewhat longer than with smoking Intoxication develops in a few hours if ingested orally – duration is somewhat longer than with smoking
Hazards of Marijuana Abuse Cellular Level Cell Membranes get saturated with THC and starve for energy Waste products
Hazards of Marijuana Abuse BRAIN BRAIN Most affected are the centers of the brain that regulate a person’s highest level of thought and behavior……
Hazards of Marijuana Use When a young person becomes a regular marijuana user, sometimes a series of systematic changes in a person’s lifestyle, motivation, ambitions, and personality can be observed. When a young person becomes a regular marijuana user, sometimes a series of systematic changes in a person’s lifestyle, motivation, ambitions, and personality can be observed.
Hazards of Marijuana Abuse LUNGS LUNGS Carcinogenic tars and benzopyrenes are at higher levels than in tobacco…. Carcinogenic tars and benzopyrenes are at higher levels than in tobacco….Bronchitis Persistent cough Fungus infections Emphysema, cancer
Hazards of Marijuana Abuse REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEMS REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEMS Suppressed secretion of LH and testosterone In women: irregularities in menstrual cycle In men: decreased production of testosterone
Hazards of Marijuana Abuse Relationship with alcohol Relationship with alcohol Inhibits nausea allowing a person to drink larger quantities before getting sick Inhibits nausea allowing a person to drink larger quantities before getting sick IMMUNE SYSTEM IMMUNE SYSTEM Suppression of immunological function… Suppression of immunological function… Increases susceptibility to STD’s, UTI’s Increases susceptibility to STD’s, UTI’s