W ELCOME ! M RS. K ILKENNY ’ S L IFE S CIENCE C LASS Please have a seat. Start filling out the Student Information Sheet.
W HAT WILL I DO THIS YEAR ? Ecology Biomes Cells Genetics Evolution Classification
H OW WILL I BE GRADED ? Percent Weights 1 st semester Point Values Ecology 40% Biomes 15% Cells 40% Midterm 5% Tests = 100 pts. Projects/Labs= pts. Quizzes = pts. Classwork = pts.
GUIDELINES AND PROCEDURES Because I care about all of you and will not allow anyone to interfere with your learning.
B ATHROOM PASSES You should go to the bathroom between classes! Do NOT interrupt instruction unless it is an emergency. Wait until students are working independently to request a pass. In your agenda on the day’s date, write “R” and the time. THEN bring me your agenda. Do NOT abuse bathroom privileges.
C LASS D ISMISSAL The teacher dismisses you, not the bell Do not start packing up prior to the bell Make sure you have ALL your materials and throw away trash on your way out the door. Wait until the teacher finishes and officially dismisses you with: “Have a nice day ”
GUIDELINE #1 Be in your assigned seat and working on the Mind Stretcher when the tardy bell rings.
Mind Stretcher – Tuesday 1. What is the difference between Autotrophs and Heterotrophs? 2. What is the difference between Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes? 3. What color would an autotrophic organisms most likely be? Autotrophs make their own food and Heterotrophs must find their food. Eukaryotes have a nucleus and membrane bound organelles. Their DNA is in the nucleus. Prokaryotes have no distinct organelles and their DNA is lose inside the cell. GREEN
Bring your science notebook, paper, and pencil to class and take them with you when you leave. GUIDELINE #2
Maximize learning time by staying focused on the task. GUIDELINE #3
Treat each person in this room with respect and dignity. GUIDELINE #4
Follow all procedures and policies as outlined in the LMS agenda and Cobb County Schools handbook. GUIDELINE #5
F OLLOWING G UIDELINES WILL RESULT IN : Verbal Acknowledgement A Stress free learning environment A pleasant and orderly classroom atmosphere
N OT F OLLOWING G UIDELINES WILL RESULT IN : Warning Documentation in synergy & Student/Teacher discussion Silent Lunch Detention/Parent Conference Office Referral *Parental Contact will be made at each level!
S EVERE C LAUSE Any student who uses profanity, fights, damages school property (this includes the property of the teacher and other students), or is disrespectful (as defined by the teacher) will be sent to the office IMMEDIATELY and receive an office referral.
E NTERING THE ROOM Wait outside the door along the wall until the teacher invites you in. Please enter quietly and go immediately to your seat Review the board Begin working on the Mind Stretcher
G ETTING YOUR ATTENTION I will stand in front of the class and raise my hand. I will say “I need everyone’s attention in 3-2-1”. No students should be talking when I get to “1”.
Jane Smith 8/6/2013 Period 3 NO NAME PAPERS WILL BE STAPLED TO THE YELLOW BOARD. It is your responsibility to find it, put your name on it, and give it back to the teacher.
W HEN YOU ARE TARDY Enter quietly Excused : Place excuse in the basket on the isolation booth. Unexcused : Take your seat put your agenda on your desk. I will come to you. Take out your materials and begin working.
A FTER AN EXCUSED ABSENCE Go to the blog and find the day’s assignment. Try to do this before you return. Print any hand-outs from the blog. Extra hand-outs are located in the back of the room. Tutoring will be available through SCIENCE ROCKS! More information coming soon.
S TUDENT R ESPONSIBILITY S TUDENT R ESPONSIBILITY T H IS IS FOR STUDENTS WHO DO NOT HAVE THE ASSIGNED HOMEWORK OR PROJECT. If you do not have an item I am collecting, you need to get out a blank piece of paper and do the following: Put your heading on it. Brief explanation of where your assignment is or why you did not do it. Turn it in with the homework papers Classwork: Use an “OOPS” card
F INISH CLASSWORK EARLY Work on your Learning Plan Homework or Study Guide. Review notes and vocabulary words Make flashcards
T URNING IN P APERS Put the paper on the left side of your desk and I will pick up the paper personally. Papers will be returned to the back of the room in the black trays. Students finished with all their work may pass out papers.
C LASSROOM D ISCUSSIONS PLEASE participate I want to hear what you have to say Make all questions and comments relevant to the current discussion If your question is off the topic, write it down and ask later or it to me.
M OVING AROUND THE ROOM You must ask permission Do not ask during a classroom discussion unless it is an emergency
CLASS SUPPLIES Glue, scissors, rulers, colored pencils, markers and high lighters are locate in the drawers on the right side of the room. There is also a 3-hole punch available for your use. Return all items with lids clicked on! Treat them nicely! They must last ALL year.
F IRE D RILL Quickly push in your chair and line up behind the isolation booth. Wait for my signal to leave the classroom and go out the middle door towards the bus port. Last person turn off the lights and shut the door. Line up on the grass behind the bus port. Listen for your name as I call roll. NO TALKING AT ANY TIME!!!!!
L UNCH Line up quietly. We will not leave until you are quiet. Walk down the hallway silently. Other classes are just starting their instruction. Go through line A and sit at the first table by the windows. Clean up all trash before you leave, even the floor. Wait quietly for the bathroom or return to class with the teacher.
“S PECIAL ” P ROCEDURES T HESE WILL BE INTRODUCED ON AN “ AS NEEDED ” BASIS Library/Media Center Distance Learning Lab Video Conferences Special guests Progress Reports Working Cooperatively Intercom Announcements Assemblies Substitute Teacher
R EMEMBER … I truly believe in your potential and I want you to believe in it too! Have an awesome year! Mrs. KILKENNY
M IND S TRETCHER - T HURSDAY Put your red name tag on your desk. Write the question and answer. 1. I will bring _________________________________ to class everyday. 2. Mrs. Kilkenny’s favorite football team is the _______________________. 3. When the tardy bell rings, I should be _______________. Folder, Paper, and Pencil Georgia Bulldogs!!! in my seat