Effective Partnerships with Institutes of Higher Ed Heidi Mathie Mucha, Ph.D Utah SPDG Coordinator
Building Strong Partnerships Communication Collaboration Bridging the gap from pre-service to practice
Communication Creating opportunities for feedback from IHE’s “The feedback loop enables the learning process. The feedback loop provides a trusted guidance system.” (Fixsen & Blasé, 2006)
ABC State Support Team District Systems Coach ABC District Team ABC School Team Training Technical Assistance Logistics Public Relations ABC Research & Policy Team
Collaboration Common projects and common goals. Capitalizing on strengths of local IHE faculty.
For entire application visit:
Bridging the Gap: From pre-service to practice Using participating schools for student teaching, practicum and internships. Opportunities to observe evidence-based practices. Awareness presentations across multiples universities. Supply & Demand Survey and Meetings.
Purpose of the Survey – Determine Special Education personnel needs by State, Region, District, and Charter over the next 7 years – Determine the ability of the Institutions of Higher Education in providing those personnel – Inform state level projects and activities
Average Needs FY 2013FY 2014FY 2015FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019Average CD/SP Communication Disorders/Speech Pathology ECSE Special Education (Birth-5) SE HI Special Education Hearing Impaired (Deaf) SE M/M Special Education Mild/Moderate SE SEV Special Education Severe SE VI Special Education Visually Impaired SP School Psychologist SE Admin Special Education Administration
Average Needs
More information Heidi Mathie Mucha, Ph.D