1 EU Policy Context and Research in Socio-Economic Sciences Measuring the dynamics of organisations and work MEADOW final meeting, Brussels, 29 January.


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Presentation transcript:

1 EU Policy Context and Research in Socio-Economic Sciences Measuring the dynamics of organisations and work MEADOW final meeting, Brussels, 29 January 2010 Pierre VALETTE and Domenico ROSSETTI European Commission, DG Research

2 European policy context ● Free movement of persons (1957) ● Renewed Social Agenda (2008) ● EU-2020 Strategy:  Creating value by basing growth on knowledge  Empowering people in inclusive societies  Creating a competitive, connected and greener economy ● European specificities:  “Flexicurity”  “Beyond technological innovation”  “Welfare and well being” ● Technological, economic and social innovations

3 European programmes ● EU Research Framework Programmes (FP6 and FP7)  Socio-econonomic Sciences and Humanities  Cooperation Thematic Programmes (cf. « Potential impact »)  Capacity Programme  European Research Council ● EU Employment and Social Solidarity PROGRESS Programme  Social protection and inclusion  Employment  Non-discrimination and diversity  Gender equality  Working conditions

4 EU Socio-Economic Sciences Several EU research projects on employment and labour market, quality of jobs, work and welfare including:  WORKS integrated project - Working in the knowledge society  WALQING - Work and life quality in new and growing jobs / job sectors  RECWOWE Network of Excellence with a “European Data Center for Work and welfare ” (EDACWoWE)  SPREW on intergenerational aspects  Family Lives in Europe on Job Mobilities  FEMIPOL on integration of Female Immigrants

5 MEADOW achievements MEADOW has:  Mapped and assessed existing quantitative data sources of the National and European Statistical System at both employer and employee levels  Found an agreement on ‘best practices’ for European survey instruments on organisational change and its economic and social impacts  Provided Guidelines for collecting and interpreting harmonised data on organisational change and work restructuring at the EU level  Tested the Guidelines

6 MEADOW added value ● Complementarities and improvements with the work done by:  Eurostat and CIS  OECD  European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions ● MEADOW touches upon several aspects of interest to several policies (cf. DG RTD, DG EMPL, DG ENTR, DG ECFIN, BEPA, etc.) and in a cross-cutting way ● MEADOW is:  Fulfilling a gap as there are not yet EU harmonised statistics on job quality and work organisation  Providing insights on the drivers of Total Factor Productivity through the linked employer-employee surveys  Advancing science knowledge in work organisation and human resource practices

7 More information