1 EU Policy Context and Research in Socio-Economic Sciences Measuring the dynamics of organisations and work MEADOW final meeting, Brussels, 29 January 2010 Pierre VALETTE and Domenico ROSSETTI European Commission, DG Research
2 European policy context ● Free movement of persons (1957) ● Renewed Social Agenda (2008) ● EU-2020 Strategy: Creating value by basing growth on knowledge Empowering people in inclusive societies Creating a competitive, connected and greener economy ● European specificities: “Flexicurity” “Beyond technological innovation” “Welfare and well being” ● Technological, economic and social innovations
3 European programmes ● EU Research Framework Programmes (FP6 and FP7) Socio-econonomic Sciences and Humanities Cooperation Thematic Programmes (cf. « Potential impact ») Capacity Programme European Research Council ● EU Employment and Social Solidarity PROGRESS Programme Social protection and inclusion Employment Non-discrimination and diversity Gender equality Working conditions
4 EU Socio-Economic Sciences Several EU research projects on employment and labour market, quality of jobs, work and welfare including: WORKS integrated project - Working in the knowledge society WALQING - Work and life quality in new and growing jobs / job sectors RECWOWE Network of Excellence with a “European Data Center for Work and welfare ” (EDACWoWE) SPREW on intergenerational aspects Family Lives in Europe on Job Mobilities FEMIPOL on integration of Female Immigrants
5 MEADOW achievements MEADOW has: Mapped and assessed existing quantitative data sources of the National and European Statistical System at both employer and employee levels Found an agreement on ‘best practices’ for European survey instruments on organisational change and its economic and social impacts Provided Guidelines for collecting and interpreting harmonised data on organisational change and work restructuring at the EU level Tested the Guidelines
6 MEADOW added value ● Complementarities and improvements with the work done by: Eurostat and CIS OECD European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions ● MEADOW touches upon several aspects of interest to several policies (cf. DG RTD, DG EMPL, DG ENTR, DG ECFIN, BEPA, etc.) and in a cross-cutting way ● MEADOW is: Fulfilling a gap as there are not yet EU harmonised statistics on job quality and work organisation Providing insights on the drivers of Total Factor Productivity through the linked employer-employee surveys Advancing science knowledge in work organisation and human resource practices
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