Reid K. Hester, Ph.D. Director, Research Division Behavior Therapy Associates, LLC Tel. 505.345.6100.


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Presentation transcript:

Reid K. Hester, Ph.D. Director, Research Division Behavior Therapy Associates, LLC Tel

ASAM Disclosure of Relevant Financial Relationships Content of Activity: 2013 State of the Art Course in Addiction Medicine NameCommercial Interests Relevant Financial Relationships: What Was Received Relevant Financial Relationships: For What Role No Relevant Financial Relationships with Any Commercial Interests Reid K Hester, Ph.D. DCUOwns copyright CDCUOwns copyright, patent pend. ModerateDrinking app Owns copyright Overcoming Addictions app Owns copyright Checkup & Choices app Owns copyright, patent pending

 NIAAA for funding  Research staff (RAs, T. Haney, H. Delaney, Bo & Bill Miller, consultants)  Study participants

 Problem drinkers: The big picture  Stages of Change & matched interventions  Stepped care: only as much as needed  BMIs  Action-oriented protocols  Management issues

Consumption & alcohol related problems None Mild Moderate Substantial Severe Alcohol Problems None Mild Moderate Substantial Severe Consumption IOM, 1990

None Mild Moderate Threshold for action Brief intervention, moderation training Abstinence focused treatment Substantial Severe Alcohol Problems

Precontemplation Permanent exit

 Using the minimal amount of intervention needed to resolve problems (Sobell & Sobell, 2000).  Screening (1 question)  BMIs  Action-oriented protocols  Moderation programs  Abstinence programs

 Screen as integral part of lifestyle assessment  Consider drinking from health standpoint, not disease standpoint

 Assess extent of drinking & for heavy drinkers answer question, “Should I change my drinking?”  BMIs  The Drinker’s Check-up (25+ y/o)  The College Drinker’s Check-up (<25 y/o)

 Web version  Randomized clinical trial: moderate drinking outcomes far more common than abstinence (10%) (Hester et al., 2005).

 Cut back or abstain  Natural recovery literature (Sobell et al.)  Most people w/alcohol problems reduce their drinking w/o any professional or self-help  Tend to be the less dependent drinkers  Relationship of hx. alcohol problems & success in reducing alcohol problems w/moderation (Miller et al., 1992)

 Prevalence is increasing (NIAAA, 2004)  Tend to not seek abstinence-oriented treatment.  Constitute the majority of those who recover w/o formal treatment (i.e. natural recovery)  At same time they have long histories of alcohol- related problems.

 Outcome summary from Hester & Miller (2003)  More controlled clinical trials of BSCT than any other treatment until recently  Variety of ways to provide the tx. (face-to-face, bibliotherapy, web app.)

 2-3 Std drinks for men, 1-2 for women  3-4 days/wk  Peak BACs <.055  Maximum limits 3/7 day/week women, 4/14 day/week men (<65 y/o)

 Moderation Management (  Moderation training protocols (e.g.,

 80 heavy drinkers randomly assigned to: a) MD + MM or b) MM alone  Follow-ups at 3, 6, & 12 mo.  73% had outcome data at all 3 f-up points

Group MD +MMMM only Age Education in Years MAST score Drinks (SECs)/Week Percent Days Abstinent (PDA) Mean Drinks per Drinking Day

Group MD +MMMM only Mean Peak BAC per Drinking Day 111mg%119mg% Hours BAC > 80 mg% (in prior week, descending curve) DrInC Recent Total score AUDIT score

 AUDIT score over 8  MAST score under 20  Medical hx to screen for contraindications  Clients with less severe alcohol-related problems  Clients who refuse abstinence without first trying moderation

 Moderation achievable by many, but not all  Predictors of success not perfect  Lack of success by 6-8 weeks not good sign for chances of long term success in moderation

 Share info about likelihood of success with moderating drinking  (Miller, et al., 1992)  Discourage abstinent alcoholics from trying moderation  Urge "vacation" from drinking  Agree to moderation trial w/contract to abstain if unsuccessful

 Most significantly dependent clients won't opt for moderation, especially once it is explained to them  Clients will always choose their own goal (see Sanchez-Craig's BSCT study w/abstinence & moderation gps)

 Overcoming Addictions, A SMART Recovery web application (  A 4-step, CB-T & MET protocol  Build, maintain motivation  Dealing w/urges, cravings  Managing thoughts, feelings, actions  Lifestyle balance for relapse prevention

  1,000+ face-to-face meetings  30 Online meetings/week  Forum for support  Manuals, etc. on their web site

VariableOverall Group SRSR + OAOA (n = 86)(n = 83)(n = 19) Female n (%)114 (60.6%)52 (61%)50 (60%)12 (63%) Age M (SD)44.3 (10.9)43.4 (10.6)44.6 (11.1)48.3 (8.4) Ethnicity n (%) White170 (90.4%)76 (88.4%)77 (92.8%)17 (89.5%) Hispanic 5 (2.7%) 3 (3.5%) 1 (1.2%) 1 (5.3%) Other 7 (6.9%) 7 (8.1%) 5 (6.0%) 1 (5.3%) Education M (SD) 16.1 (2.4)15.93 (2.5)16.0 (2.3)17.3 (2.1) AUDIT M (SD) a 24.7 (8.1)24.8 (8.1)23.95 (8.2)27.4 (7.2) BSI M (SD) b 17.4 (12.9)19.35 (12.5)15.95 (13.6)14.8 (11.0) InDUC M (SD) c 41.4 (17.9)42.2 (19.0)40.6 (17.5)40.8 (15.6) Baseline characteristics

 Our newest web app integrates:  DCU, CDCU, MD, & OA  Designed for use with patients in primary care  Screens for heavy drinking, drug use  Provides BMI  Segues to MD & OA

 For many problem drinkers, BMI is sufficient  Some will benefit from moderation protocols, some will need abstinence-oriented protocols  Brief follow-ups key to knowing how much has been enough

 Hester, R.K., Delaney, H.D., & Campbell, W. (2012). The College Drinker’s Check-up: Outcomes of two randomized clinical trials of a computer-based brief motivational intervention. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors,  Hester, R.K., Delaney, H.D., & Campbell, W., (2011). and Moderation Management: 12-month outcomes of a randomized clinical trial. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 79, Abstract at  Hester, R.K., Delaney, H.D., Campbell, W., & Handmaker, N.(2009). A web application for moderation training: Initial results of a randomized clinical trial. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 37(3),

 Hester, R.K., Lenberg, K.L., Campbell, W., & Delaney, H.D.D. (2013). Overcoming Addictions, a web-based application, and SMART Recovery, an online and in-person mutual help group for problem drinkers Part 1: Three-Month Outcomes of a Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 15(7):e134.  Hester, R.K., Squires, D.D., & Delaney, H.D. (2005). The Computer- based Drinker’s Check-up: 12 month outcomes of a controlled clinical trial with problem drinkers. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 28(2),

 Miller, W. R., Leckman, A. L., Delaney, H. D., & Tinkcom, M. (1992). Long-term follow-up of behavioral self-control training. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 53,  National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. (2004a). Alcohol abuse increases, dependence declines across decade.  Sobell, M. B., & Sobell, L. C. (2000). Stepped care as a heuristic approach to the treatment of alcohol problems. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 68, 573–579.