Faculty Governance Saint Louis University School of Medicine New Faculty Orientation August 20, 2013
Levels of Governance Department: Departmental faculty meetings Department committees School of Medicine: Faculty Assembly Faculty Affairs Committee Executive Committee of the General Medical Faculty School of Medicine committees University: Faculty Senate University committees
SOM Elected Positions Faculty Affairs Committee Faculty Assembly Executive Committee Faculty Senate Secretary of the General Faculty At-large faculty representatives on the Executive Committee of the Faculty
The School of Medicine Faculty Assembly All general medical faculty are members Represented by elected members of the Faculty Assembly Executive Committee Advisory to the Dean as outlined in the Faculty Manual Addresses issues regarding academic policies Executive Committee: Paul Schmitz, MD (Nephrology) President Barbara Whitman, PhD (Pediatrics) Secretary Mark Knuepfer, PhD (Pharm/Phys Sciences) Carmine Coscia, PhD (Biochem & Molecular Biochem) Florian Thomas, MD, MA, PhD (Neurology) Christine Hachem, MD (Internal Medicine) Jane McHowat, PhD (Pathology)
Faculty Affairs Committee “Committee on Committees” Work under the direction of the Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Development Request nominations of faculty members for elections or for committee memberships Nominate or recommend faculty members to the Dean for membership on SOM committees Nominate faculty members for awards Receive grievances from faculty Report to the Executive Committee of the Faculty Review and propose revisions to the School of Medicine Faculty Constitution and Bylaws
Executive Committee of the General Faculty at the School of Medicine Meets ten times a year (closed meetings) Voting members comprised of elected faculty (including the Secretary of the Faculty), departmental chairpersons Vote on appointments, rank and tenure, policies Review reports from standing committees Advisory and consultative body to the Dean Three general faculty meetings a year chaired by the Dean, all faculty encouraged to attend Fall (Sept.)--President Biondi’s Annual Address Winter (Feb.), Spring (May) All start at 4:30pm in the Pitlyk Auditorium in the LRC
General Medical Faculty Meetings Three times per year Chaired by the Dean Fall (October 14) - President Biondi’s Annual Address Winter (Feb.), Spring (May) 4:30pm in LRC, Pitlyk Auditorium All Faculty Encouraged to Attend
Faculty Representatives on the School of Medicine Executive Committee Secretary of the Faculty--Barbara Whitman, PhD (Pediatrics) At-large members: Michael Temporal, MD ( Family Community Med ) Randy Sprague, MD ( Pharm Phys Sci ) Lia Lowrie, MD (Family and Community Medicine) William Perman, MD (Radiology)
SOM Standing Committees Academic/Sabbatical Leave Committee Admissions Committee Committee on Continuing Medical Education Committee on Student Progress and Program Planning Credentials Committee Curriculum Management Committee Curriculum Oversight Committee Executive Committee of the Faculty Faculty Affairs Committee Graduate Medical Education Committee Graduate Program Advisory Council Research Planning Committee Research Space Review Committee
Terrance Egan, Ph.D. Pharmacological and Physiological Science Gillian Stephens, M.D. Family and Community Medicine Miguel Paniagua, M.D. Internal Medicine Mary Mayo, M.D. Pathology John Chibnall, Ph.D. Neurology & Psychiatry Jacki Kornbluth, Ph.D. Chair-Elect Pathology Laurie Byrne, M.D. Chair Emergency Medicine Faculty Affairs Committee
Faculty Senate Principal body and voice of the faculty in matters of University-wide concern; concerned with matters as outlined in the Faculty Manual Senator representatives from each of the academic units Twelve full-time faculty from the School of Medicine, elected by the general medical faculty Executive Committee (President, At-large members) Standing and ad hoc committees Professional Relations Committee Compensation and Fringe Benefits Committee Governance Committee Academic Affairs Committee Open meetings 5-6 times a year
School of Medicine Faculty Senate Representatives Steve Bolesta, MD (Pathology) Lauren Schwarz, PhD (Neurology) John Martin, PhD (CASE) Mark Voigt, PhD (Pharm Phys Sci) Matthew Council, MD (Ophthalmology) Alexander Lin, MD (Surgery) Debra Zand, PhD (Pediatrics) Preeti Dalawari, MD, MSPH (Emergency Medicine) Al Nakanishi, MD, MPH (Pediatrics) Robin Chamberland, PhD (Pathology) Christine Hachem, MD (Internal Medicine) Daniela Salvemini, PhD (Pharmacological and Physiological Science) Reema Syed, MD (Internal Medicine) Jane Turner, MD, PhD (Pathology) President
University Committees Faculty representatives to the Board of Trustees Committee on Rank and Tenure Recognition Committee