Leadership Theory, Application, Skill Development 1st Edition Robert N Leadership Theory, Application, Skill Development 1st Edition Robert N. Lussier and Christopher F. Achua . This presentation created by: MANAGEMENT TRAINING SPECIALISTS 5320-D Camp Bowie Blvd / Fort Worth, Texas 76107 / 817 737-2893 e-mail: 2conz@airmail.net Copyright © 2001 South-Western College Publishing
Power, Politics, and Negotiation Chapter 9 Power, Politics, and Negotiation 9-1
Chapter 9 Learning Objectives Influencing tactics are commonly used as initial requests. Position VS personal power Difference between legitimate, reward, coercive, and referent power. Relationship of power and politics. Similar use of money and politics. Steps in negotiation process. Relationship among: Negotiation, conflict, influencing tactics, power, politics. 9-2
Influencing The process of affecting other’s attitudes and behavior to achieve an objective. 9-4
3 Types of Influencing Process This slide relates to XX-XX. Instrumental Compliance Internalization Identification 3 Types of Influencing Process Summary Overview XXXX Major Title Heading. 9-5 3
Outcomes of Influence Attempts Include: This slide relates to XX-XX. Outcomes of Influence Attempts Include: Commitment Summary Overview XXXX Major Title Heading. Compliance Resistance 9-6 3
Influencing Process and Outcomes This slide relates to XX-XX. Influencing Process Outcome Instrumental Compliance Compliance Summary Overview XXXX Major Title Heading. Internalization Commitment Identification Commitment Unsuccessful Influencing Process Resistance 9-7
9 Influencing Tactics Rational Persuasion Inspirational Appeals Use this space for overall reminders or special tips linked to the slide or occassion. Simply select this text and replace it with your own reminders. Rational Persuasion Inspirational Appeals Pressure Consultation Legitimization Ingratiation Coalitions Personal 9 Influencing Tactics Exchange Summary Heading. Text. 9-8
2 Sources of Power Position Personal Derived from top management follower based on leader’s behavior. Personal 9-9
Politics The process of gaining and using power. 9-10
3 Common Political Behaviors Networking Use this space for overall reminders or special tips linked to the slide or occassion. Simply select this text and replace it with your own reminders. 3 Common Political Behaviors Reciprocity Summary Heading. Text. Coalitions 9-11
Political Behavior Skill Development Reciprocity Coalitions Learn the Organizational Culture & Power Players Develop Good Working Relationships Be Loyal, Honest Team Player Gain Recognition Networking 9-12
Negotiation Process Plan Agreement Close the deal Negotiations No Agreement Postponement 9-13