U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey Richard Huffine September 15, 2009 Council for Data Integration Planning Team Summary
Overview Role of the Program Planning Team FY2010 Council Schedule Face-to-Face Meetings Adopting a Strategy Supporting Workgroups and Action Teams Managing Expectations Planning Team Members
Role of the Program Planning Team Moving forward, the Program Planning Committee will be engaged: Identifying presentations for future Council Meetings Raising issues for the Council to discuss Developing agendas for future Face-to-Face meetings Touch base with the Co-Chairs of the Council periodically to make sure the team is on the right track
FY 2010 Council Schedule Monthly Conference Calls Following up on action items Educating the Council on Opportunities and Challenges Status updates from workgroups and action teams Adoption of strategy components and review of progress made Continued building of connections and working relationships
Face-to-Face Meetings Planning Team will help decide when additional face-to-face meetings are needed and what will be addressed Identify themes the Council is pursuing that would be of interest to broader audiences? Other USGS Program staff Other Interior organizations Other Federal Departments/Agencies States and other cooperators
Adopting a Strategy Reviewing the draft document Institutionalizing Data Integration at the USGS Consider each of the seven sections during successive conference calls: 1. Summary 2. Science Perspective 3. The Problem 4. What We Need To Do 5. Planning 6. Organization and Funding 7. Appendices Projects, Data Standards, Tools, Search and Warehousing
Supporting Workgroups and Action Teams Conference calls scheduled around the Council Schedule Potential for additional meetings: Technical Exchange Meetings Workshops and Workgroup Meetings Defined deliverables, schedules, and decision points Identify external groups that can contribute and coordinate schedules
Managing Expectations How can we work together as a Council and Practitioners to manage our shared expectations? Are their tools we can use to maintain communication outside of formal programs? MyUSGS Wiki and Document Repository WebEx sessions to raise awareness and share status updates Other tools and approaches?
Planning Team Members Current Members Gladys Cotter Dave Federer Marty Goldhaber Harry House Mike McHale Linda Leake Stan Ponce New Members are Welcome!
Contact Information Richard Huffine