Welcome to FRA’s 2003 AGM
Agenda Welcome Chairman's review Portfolio reports: Fernwood Parliamentary Sportsground Protea Village claim Security Traffic matters Restoration of the Boshof Gates Civil Aviation resolution Financial Report Back Election of committee members for 2004 Closure
Chairman's Review 2003 Parliamentary grounds: the end is near Security: resolved Protea Village – very sensitive issue Land use: resolution of a number of issues Bisset road development: hard work pays off - sometimes Traffic control: ongoing pressure Air traffic control: resolved Boshof gates: restored Rates: resolved Communication – updated every month
Fernwood Development Key Points: Linking everything together Environmental Impact Assessment complete Application for subdivision in progress Significant departure from the development agreement Legal opinion obtained Representation to DPW & Land Use Planning Review layout diagrams
Approved Layout 32 Corporate Lodges
Application for Subdiv Development RightRezoning Application UnitsBuildingsUnitsBuildings Corporate suites (4 suites per building) Ambassadorial lodges Guest rooms converted into 10 units set in Mews Conference centre1-- Houses – single residential80 group housing40 guest rooms161 Total buildings Increase in the number of buildings120%
Timing Of crucial importance is the fact that the submission of the final scoping report was only published for comment in November 2002 with the Plan of Study for Scoping being submitted to DEA&DP on the 23rd December The rezoning application which ostensibly evolved as a result of technical input was submitted in August 2002 – some 5 months earlier. In addition cognisance needs to be taken of the dates on which the specialists reports were published: Environmental Impact Assessment – first draft completed April 2003 Heritage Impact Assessment – completed March 2003 Freshwater ecosystems – February 2003 Tree study – March 2002 Amphibian study – January 2003 Traffic Impact Assessment – June 2002
Developers Choice
Protea Village Claim Sad part of our areas history Land claim lodged in the form of a community claim Claim focused on erf 242 (below stone cottages) Whole process will be subject to public participation process in terms of a HIA and potential EIA FRA working closely with Bishops Court residents association FRA in constant contact with Dept of Land Claims Team has met with Common Ground and PROVAC Way forward
Security Solution Solution implemented by ADT in February 2003 Specific thanks to everyone who supports this initiative & to everyone who helped make it a success: In particular: John Burdes, Lawrence Gawronsky, Chris Wolf, Nuku van Coller, Peter Von Hirschfield, Oliver Purcell, Jonny Myers, Bradley & Laura Bergh, Gail Strong, Lyn Angel, Mike Deacon, John Gorman, Derek Erskine, Mark Rule, Judy Kilpin, Jolyon Nuttall, Derek Stewart & Rick Maikin. And to everyone who assisted these co-ordinators in going door to door and last but not least to Rob Dale from ADT who has spent many evenings talking to the FRA committee
Security Solution
Traffic Matters Constant problem of “rat runners” Blitz Unhappy residents Possible solutions: Camera’s Increased presence Barriers Way forward
Boshof Gates Report back by Chris Wolf 2000 Oct 2003
Air Traffic Control Substantial progress since 2002 AGM Management of noise pollution devolved to NWG (City of CT) Helicopter Association of SA to take direct complaints Blue route Air information circular drafted by NWG …… Unity the most important achievement
Air Traffic Control
Treasurers Report INCOME Members subscriptions12,6904,900 Donations1602,997 Interest received1,2981,264 14,1489,161 EXPENDITURE15,94815,351 Advertising (notice for AGM) Annual general meeting1, Audit fees Bank charges Gifts0600 Land use research Legal fees10,0809,388 Newsletter2,1432,830 Net Deficit1,8006,190
Treasurers Report ASSETS2003 Cheque549 Savings account8,206 Call deposit7,339 16,095
Communication Web Newsletter Special situations
Committee Our constitution requires that the Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer retire from office, but shall be eligible for re-election. Nominations received for re-election: Chairperson- Tony Bell Deputy Chairperson- John Burdes Treasurer- Laura Bergh Scribe- Nuku van Coller Other nominations received to MANCO: Bradley Bergh Prof Jonny Myers Chris Wolf
General Items Raised
Thank You All For Coming