APAN-JP Report August 28, 2002 Shigeki Goto
APAN Topology
TCP Throughput
APAN-JP Update & Plan – APAN-TW link: 155Mbps (new) –.5 IPv4/IPv6 Dual Stack operation (APAN-TW) – TransPAC-northern link down (Teleglobe) –.6 Philippines link: 1.5 Mbps (upgrade) – TransPAC-northern link recovered (KDDI) –.7 IPv4/IPv6 Dual Stack operation (TransPAC) – IETF in Yokohama –.8 Post-TransPAC Link Owner (MPHPT/CRL) –.9 GbE link to Tsukuba WAN –.12 GbE link to Korea (New APII/Genkai)
APII / Genkai Research Network Europe North America Fukuoka Tokyo Busan Taejeon Seoul Existing 8M bps APII link
APII / Genkai Network Configuration August 27, 2002 Juniper M10 SINET Tokyo XP Busan XP 600M ATM 2.4 Gbps SONET 600M ATM Kyushu & Yamaguchi DATAX uZ2.4G-GEB 2 x GbE ATOMIS 5 ATOMIS 7 600M ATM (DF) 17km JGN Juniper M10 600M ATM Genkai Juniper M10 GbE (DF) L2 GbE (DF) Genkai XP (Meinohama) GbE Kyushu & Yamaguchi (QGPOP) Existing CRL e! Tenjin (NTT Com) Genkai Kyushu U GbE APII/Genkai Servers e! Servers GbE cisco 150M ATM (Backup) JGN GbE 150M ATM GbE ATOMIS 7
SOI Asia site Myanmar ThailandLaos
Site Setup Status Myanmar Thailand Laos
IF Coaxial Cable UDLR Receiver LAN JCSAT-3 C-Band C-7 transponder L-Band ( MHz) Terrestrial Internet AC power supply SOI Server Provided by SOI Asia Project Prepared by Institution SOI Asia Site Configuration SOI Clients Receive Router Campus LAN
Brawijaya University, Indonesia Hasanuddin University, Indonesia Sam Ratulangi University, Indonesia Laos National University, Laos University of Computer Studies, Yangon, Myanmar Asian Youth Fellowship, Malaysia Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand Chulalonkorn University, Thailand SOI-ASIA Partners Satellite Antenna Institute of Information Technology,Vietnam
Asia Broadband Committees Strategic Committee –hosted by the Minister of “PTT” –will decide the guideline –Chair: Jiro Ushio (Ushio Electric Co., Ltd.) Planning Committee –hosted by the Chief Engineer of “PTT” –will make the plan based on the guideline by the Strategic Committee –Chair: Shigeki Goto (Waseda Univ.) *PTT: Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Post and Telecommunications
Joint Efforts Japanese government will play the key roles for IT deployments in Asia, but should be widely collaborated by –Joint planning with leaders in other countries –Wide range participants including government, private sectors and NPO –Expanding Intra-regional communications
Proposals are requested The deadline is Aug. 28, 2002 Format: –Project name: –Target date/year: –History & Status: –Action plan:
Schedules July 22: 1st Strategic/Planning meeting Aug. 28: Deadline of the Proposal Sep. 11: 2 nd Planning Committee Oct? Interim Report Nov? Dec? Final Report Jan: IT Summit?
Members from APAN Strategic Committee –Shigeki Goto (JP) –Jun Murai (JP) –Yong-Jin Park (KR) –Sureswaran Ramadass (MY) –Royol Chitradon (TH) –L.W.C.Wong (SG) Planning Committee –Shigeki Goto (JP) –Kazunori Konishi (JP) –Yong-Jin Park (KR)
Meetings APII/Genkai Meeting in Oita APAN & PRAGMA in Fukuoka 3. Global Grid Forum 7 in Tokyo