0°20°N40°N60°N20°S40°S60°S Latitude Nitrate Concentration (μmol/kg) Antarctic Equatorial Pacific North Pacific Nitrate concentration in the surface waters along a North- South transect at ~135°W* *Source:J. Martin, R. Gordon, S. Fitzwater & W. Broenkow, “VERTEX: Phytoplankton/ Iron Studies in the Gulf of Alaska”, Deep-Sea Research, 36: (1989)
Time (days) Chlorophyll Concentration (μg/kg) Chlorophyll (a) with iron (b) without iron Nitrates (a) with iron (b) without iron Source:J. Martin, R. Gordon, S. Fitzwater & W. Broenkow, “VERTEX: Phytoplankton/ Iron Studies in the Gulf of Alaska”, Deep-Sea Research, 36: (1989)
Depth Warm surface water Heat Exchanger (ammonia evaporator) Heat Exchanger (ammonia condenser) Turbine generator Pump Electric power Liquid ammonia Cold deep water Resource available (in barrels of oil equivalent) 1.5 million/year 1.6 million/year 15.0 million/year million/year* 2,000 billion total reserves Ocean Energy Source Waves Tides Currents Thermocline Oil *assuming that only 1% can be extracted
Temperature difference between surface and depth of 1,000 m Less than 18°C 18°C to 20°C 20°C to 22°C 22°C to 24°C More than 24°C The places where OTEC promises the best results
150°W 90°E 150°E30°E90°W30°W 0° 20°S 20°N 40°N 40°S Temperature difference between surface waters and the waters at 1 km depth:22-24°C >24°C
Total primary production (billion tons carbon/year) Area (million km 2 ) Number of Trophic levels Average Transfer Efficiency per tropic level ~15% ~33% ~99% Total Annual Fish production (million tons) Oceanic region Open ocean Coastal Upwelling
Price Level = 100 Long-run inflation-adjusted world prices of non-ferrous metals (aluminum, copper, tin, zinc)
Stenohaline Eurythermal Euryhaline Eurythermal Stenohaline Stenothermal Euryhaline Stenothermal NarrowWide Range of annual salinity fluctuations Annual temperature fluctuation Range Narrow Wide