Chapter Building Workshop – Week #3 Wayne Hicks ‘The BDPA Brotha’ November 4, 2014 BDPA Google+ Hangout
CBW - Week #3 (Strategic Planning / MM) Been There, Done That! Nat’l Membership Committee Chair ( ) Chartered 22% of current chapters (10 of 46) Nat’l BDPA Vice President ( ) Served under President Vivian Wilson BDPA Cincinnati Chapter President ( ) & VP-Membership Management (2014) Grew membership from 6 (Jan 1999) to 229 (Nov 2001) Won Chapter of the Year Twice (2000 and 2001) Grew membership from 86 (Jan 2014) to 191 (Oct 2014) National BDPA President-Elect ( ) Served under President Milt Haynes National BDPA President ( ) Profitable annual conferences All-time record in corporate sales & membership totals BETF Executive Director (1993, 2006 – Present) BETF revenue is over $1 million in BETF gave out over $344,000 in scholarships 2
CBW: Week #3 Tuesday, November 4, 2014 * 7pm – 8pm ET BDPA Performance Scorecard (a.k.a. Chapter of the Year Criteria) Community Service Management Membership Professional Service Track Monthly Report Quarterly CBW - Week #3 (Strategic Planning / MM)3
Performance Scorecard Community Service (marketing, alliances, HSCC, scholarships) Management (audit, finance, sponsors, reports, board meetings) Membership (growth, retention, conference) Professional Service (CAC, workshops, program meetings, newsletter, media, SIGS, Internet presence) CBW - Week #3 (Strategic Planning / MM)4
Community Service Marketing Campaign to increase college student’s awareness Number of formal relationships (documented w/ MOU) HSCC team Number of community forums Number of local businesses / community assisted Contributed to other non- profit organizations Provided student scholarships Maintained a technology center / provided an annual technology center. CBW - Week #3 (Strategic Planning / MM)5
Management Date chapter financial records audited or reviewed Identify local fundraising events Submitted finance report Secured corporate sponsor Provide local chapter documentation (policies & bylaws) Conducted executive committee planning meeting Provided insurance compliance Conducted planning committee Submitted quarterly reports Develop enhanced chapter operations toolkit CBW - Week #3 (Strategic Planning / MM)6
Membership Identify chapter membership growth Percentage of members retained Number of registered members attending National Conference Number of membership drives held. Supply copy of ‘Membership Package’ Membership Renewal, New Member, Prospect Established or maintained a student chapter in college Conducted a membership survey CBW - Week #3 (Strategic Planning / MM)7
Professional Development Established Advisory Council Number of workshops held Number of program meetings held Number of articles Number of chapter newsletters Number of press releases Number of media appearances Develop SIGs Conducted Technology Expo Sponsored Job Fair Hosted a web site CBW - Week #3 (Strategic Planning / MM)8
Track Monthly Track Monthly Assign each of the National Awards Program to a single VP Report Quarterly Report overall assessment each quarter CBW - Week #3 (Strategic Planning / MM)9
National BDPA Technology Conference 37th Annual National BDPA Technology Conference August 19-22, 2015 Hilton Hotel * Washington DC Conference Call For Papers – begins within next 30 days Johnson & Johnson Scholarships – college students; ends November 30, 2014 Epsilon Award – Individual & Corporate – begins within next 30 days CBW - Week #3 (Strategic Planning / MM)10
Helpful Handouts BDPA Performance Scorecard (a.k.a. Chapter of the Year Criteria) Chapter Building Workshop Series Handouts Week #1 (Oct 21) Week #2 (Oct 28) Week #3 (Nov 4) Wayne on Speed Dial – (513) CBW - Week #3 (Strategic Planning / MM)11
CBW: Week #4 Tuesday, November 11, 2014 * 7pm – 8pm ET Book 4: Membership (56-60) Membership Database Tips & Techniques Book 4: Membership (61-67) Recruitment Retention CBW - Week #3 (Strategic Planning / MM)12
Questions? Wayne Hicks – Blog – Document Repository – Donations – CBW - Week #3 (Strategic Planning / MM)13