ESC 3 rd General Meeting November 4 th, 2010
Agenda Role Call Facilities Update and Allocations FiComm Reimbursements and Spring Budgeting Committees Upcoming Events/Important Dates
Role Call American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) American Nuclear Society (ANS) American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Berkeley Engineers and Mentors (BEAM) Bioengineering Honor Society (BioEHS) Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Black Engineering and Science Students Association, (BESSA) Cal Super Mileage Vehicle Team (SMV) CalSol Chemical Engineering Car (ChemE Car) Chi Epsilon (XE) Community for Graduate Women in EECS (WICSE) Concrete Canoe E4K Planning Committee (E4K) Engineering 98 (E98) Engineering World Health (EWH) Engineers Without Borders (EWB) Environmental Competition Team Eta Kappa Nu (HKN)
Role Call Formula SAE (FSAE) Hands-on Engineering DeCal Hispanic Engineers and Scientists (HES) IEEE Student Branch Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE) Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (IAESTE) International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE) Materials Science and Engineering Association (MSEA) Pi Tau Sigma (PTS) Pilipino Association of Scientists, Architects and Engineers (PASAE) Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers (SASE) Society of Engineering Sciences Society of Women Engineers (SWE) Steel Bridge Tau Beta Pi (TBP) Theta Tau Triangle Fraternity
Facilities Update Space Allocations: REMINDERS: Access to items in 101 Bridges – Key to kitchen (107 Bechtel) – Kept with Portia NO FOOD in Bridges. Bridges is only to be used for storage, NO MEETINGS & NO INDIVIDUAL STUDY SESSIONS!
There are only TWO FiComm Meetings left for this semester! When: Tuesdays 7:30-8:30PM (every other week: 11/16, 11/30) Locations: Bridges Must sign up by 5PM on Monday prior to attending Sign-up at: Instructions on how to fill out your reimbursements are now available online under the Treasurer’s Page DEADLINE to turn in reimbursement forms: December 1 st Allocations and Reimbursements FiComm
Spring 2011 Budgeting Mid-year reports due on December 1 st for Spring 2011 funding allocations. The form is available online on the Treasurer’s Page FiComm
Committees The purpose of the committees… Social: To encourage collaboration between student groups, COE faculty, and staff To host events and activities that bring everyone together and highlight our common goals Goals: Organize a monthly mixer, 1 for end of Fall and monthly in the Spring Host E-Week and organize student group participation Assess need for a college-wide Town Hall Social, Publicity, FiComm
Committees Continued... Publicity: To inform the entire engineering community what ESC does and who ESC represents To publicize the amazing achievements of our members (that’s you!) and encourage all students to get more involved on campus Goals: Complete the transition from EJC to ESC – banners, tabling, plaque, etc. Publicize monthly socials, E-week, and any other activities Social organizes Create an online photo album of ESC and its members Social, Publicity, FiComm
Committees Continued... FiComm: To allocate funding to ESC’s members Goals: Allocate all of ESC’s funding for the year Create a strong case as to why the engineering community should receive increased funding next year Social, Publicity, FiComm
Committees Summary: Why are you asked to send a representative to sit on a committee? NOT because it is mandatory (although it is…) 7 Execs < # of people needed to accomplish our unified goals We WANT to provide you with the resources and support you have asked for, but we NEED your help Representative = Ambassador to your organization What does this mean? Committee members need to WANT to be there! Please send someone who wants to be a part of the larger picture and explain why it is important that they attend and participate Social, Publicity, FiComm
Upcoming Dates “Town Hall” with the Dean – survey up this weekend! Tour of RFS – November 13th, 10AM-1PM (tentative) November Engineering Mixer – TBA Space Allocation sign-ups due: December 1 st Mid-Year reports due: December 1 st Last day to submit reimbursements: December 1 st