esMD PPA Use Case 2 WG Meeting Wednesday, March 21 st, 2012
Meeting Etiquette Remember: If you are not speaking keep your phone on mute Do not put your phone on hold – if you need to take a call, hang up and dial in again when finished with your other call –Hold = Elevator Music = very frustrated speakers and participants This meeting, like all of our meetings, is being recorded –Another reason to keep your phone on mute when not speaking Feel free to use the “Chat” feature for questions, comments or any items you would like the moderator or participants to know. NOTE: This meeting is being recorded and will be posted on the esMD Wiki page after the meeting From S&I Framework to Participants: Hi everyone: remember to keep your phone on mute
S&I Face-to-Face: Basic Information Dates: Wednesday 4/11 – Friday 4/13 Alexandria Westin: – Address: 400 Courthouse Square, Alexandria, VA, – Phone: – Website: – Public Transportation: King Street Metro (Blue/Yellow Lines) – 3 Blocks Ronald Reagan National Airport (DCA) – 6 miles Booking Accommodations: –See F2F Logistics page on wiki for detailsF2F Logistics – Phone: – Rate: $169/night (excluding tax) This rate is only available through 5pm ET on Monday, April 2 nd, 2012 Group rate includes free wireless in all guest rooms 3
S&I Face-to-Face: esMD Tentative Schedule 4 DateTimeAgenda 4/11 (Wed) 3:00 PM - 6:00 PMPPA Use Case 2 and Structured Content Discussion 4/12 (Thurs) 8:00 AM - 10:00 AMPPA Use Case 2 and Structured Content Discussion 10:30 AM - 12:00 PMPPA Use Case 2 and Structured Content Discussion 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Harmonization of PPA UC 1 (and UC 2/Structured Content, if applicable) 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Harmonization of PPA UC 1 (and UC 2/Structured Content, if applicable) 4/13 (Fri) 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM Author of Record (HL7 RMES group presentation on current AoR to date) 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Author of Record (HL7 RMES group presentation on current AoR to date); Continue discussions from previous sessions, if necessary
S&I Face-to-Face: Draft Agenda: Kick-off Session (4/11) 5 Wednesday, 4/11 from 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM ONC Leadership to be speaking at the Kickoff: Farzad Mostashari, MD, ScM (National Coordinator for Health IT) David Muntz, MBA (Principal Deputy National Coordinator) Judy Murphy, RN, FACMI, FHIMSS, FAAN (Deputy National Coordinator for Programs and Policy) Doug Fridsma, M.D., Ph.D. (Director, Office of Standards and Interoperability) Kick-off Topics will include: Thoughts from ONC Leadership Meaningful Use Stage 2 Status of each S&I Initiative and plans at the F2F S&I Announcements
S&I Face-to-Face: Potential Brown Bag Topics 6 During Thursday’s lunch break, brown bag sessions will be offered for interested participants. Each brown bag will run for approximately 30 minutes. Potential topics include: Demo of the S&I Repository/Browser Data Segmentation for Privacy 101
S&I Face-to-Face: Draft Agenda: All Hands Session (4/13) 7 Friday 4/13, 12:30 pm – 3:00 Cross Initiative Updates: This session is intended to give the audience an overview of what is going on with all S&I Initiatives, and recap what took place in each S&I F2F breakout session. Each Initiative (Initiative Coordinators/Workgroup leads) will recap what was accomplished at the F2F and what next steps are Other topics to be covered include: ToC Demonstration Update on Cross-Initiative Coordination efforts Overview of Provider Directories Overview of Mod Specs/Direct efforts Closing thoughts from Doug Fridsma NOTE: All activities will conclude at 3 pm
S&I Face-to-Face: Next Steps for Community Members Reserve guest rooms at the Westin and make travel plans –All-Hands Kickoff Session starts at 1:00 PM on Wednesday 4/11 –Event concludes at 3:00 PM on Friday 4/13 –Information on booking the hotel is available on the Logistics page on the F2F Wiki pageLogistics page F2F Registration is now open –Use the Registration page to indicate whether or not you are attendingRegistration page –Registration form allows you to select which specific workgroup sessions you will attend F2F is entirely in person – no phones or WebEx will be provided. Notes will be taken and posted to the wiki at the end of each day. For more information, visit the F2F Wiki or the F2F planning committee at Wiki
esMD Housekeeping Reorganization of the existing wiki site –Feedback appreciated –Contact support team if you’re having problems finding anything Are you receiving communications from the support team? –If not, please and we’ll get you on the mailing
Recap of Last Week Reviewed comments from the consensus process for PPA Use Case 1 –Consensus of Use Case 1 has been achieved! Total of 15 Yes votes from Committed Members Total of 5 Yes votes from OIP Total of 5 Abstains from Committed Members Began discussion of Use Case 2 Assumptions/Pre-Post Conditions (drafted by Mahbulbul and BM)
Next Steps Today’s agenda –Continue review and discussion of Use Case 2 Assumptions/Pre-Post Conditions drafted by Mahbulbul and BM –Discuss Actors/Roles – Addition of Review Contractors to original list –Discuss the Base Flow for when a Payer sends eMDR requests via a Payer Contractor