March 14, 2000RTVISC Meeting1 Working Group #2 Report IEEE Rail Transit Vehicle Interface Standards Committee Meeting March 14, 2000
RTVISC Meeting2 Current Status u IEEE Std , “CBTC Performance and Functional Requirements”, issued in December, 1999 u WG2 meeting to discuss “next steps” held on February 18, 2000 at SEPTA
March 14, 2000RTVISC Meeting3 Meeting Attendees u Consumers17(61%) u Producers 5(18%) u Others 6(21%) u TOTAL28(100%)
March 14, 2000RTVISC Meeting4 Process u “Brainstorm” potential new initiatives ä Open items from IEEE Std ä Other proposals raised by WG2 members u Discussion u Establish consensus ä vote
March 14, 2000RTVISC Meeting5 Recommendation #1 u Environmental standard (incl. EMI/EMC) for CBTC wayside equipment ä 100% of group voted on this item ä 100% of those that voted, voted “for” –Recommendation is that WG8, or possibly a new WG, take on this standard initiative –(No chair currently identified for new WG)
March 14, 2000RTVISC Meeting6 Recommendation #2 u Graphical user interface display standard for trainborne and central CBTC subsystems ä 78% of group voted on this item ä 95% of those that voted, voted “for” –Emphasis would be on defining information to be provided by CBTC subsystems for display purposes. Standard may also define form of display presentation –Alan Rumsey to prepare Scope and Purpose for proposed new standard for review/approval by RTVISC and to continue to chair WG for this new standard initiative
March 14, 2000RTVISC Meeting7 Recommendation #2 u Proposed Scope ä This standard establishes the information to be displayed on trainborne and central graphical user interfaces in communications-based train control (CBTC) systems. u Proposed Purpose ä This standard will provide for consistent trainborne and central graphical user interfaces that take advantage of the characteristics of communications-based train control (CBTC) systems to enhance service effectiveness of a rail transit system.
March 14, 2000RTVISC Meeting8 Recommendation #3 u Expand highway grade crossing functional requirements for CBTC systems ä 67% of group voted on this item ä 94% of those that voted, voted “for” –Extent to which expanded grade crossing requirements for CBTC systems will be addressed by WG14 needs to be clarified –If not being addressed by WG14, and subject to RTVISC approval, Vic Grappone has agreed to develop a detailed Scope and Purpose for proposed new standard, and chair a subgroup of WG2 to develop the additional functional requirements
March 14, 2000RTVISC Meeting9 Recommendation #4 u CBTC standard to address operation of trains without crews ä 75% of group voted on this item ä 90% of those that voted, voted “for” –In general, it was the opinion of the WG2 members that the existing IEEE Std should be reviewed/updated in approximately 2 to 3 years time, to reflect experience of ongoing CBTC projects and CBTC system developments, and it was recommended that the update to include CBTC performance and functional requirements for train operations without crews should be incorporated at that time
March 14, 2000RTVISC Meeting10 Other WG2 Conclusions #1 u CBTC interoperability interface standards Data Communication System Wayside CBTC Equipment Trainborne CBTC Equipment Trainborne Equipment
March 14, 2000RTVISC Meeting11 Other WG2 Conclusions #1 u CBTC interoperability interface standard ä 100% of group voted on this item ä only 18% of those that voted, voted for –While WG2 continues to support the ultimate goal of interoperability interface standards for CBTC, the WG2 members were unable to reach sufficient consensus that this effort should be progressed at this time –In the future, standards in the following area may also be desirable, but again there was insufficient consensus to proceed with standards development in these areas at this time:
March 14, 2000RTVISC Meeting12 Other WG2 Conclusions #1a u Standard for a data communications subsystem for CBTC systems ä only 68% of group voted on this item ä only 63% of those that voted, voted “for” –Insufficient consensus within WG2 to proceed with standards development in this areas at this time
March 14, 2000RTVISC Meeting13 Other WG2 Conclusions #1b u Standard for definition of CBTC data elements ä 93% of group voted on this item ä only 42% of those that voted, voted “for” –Insufficient consensus within WG2 to proceed with standards development in this areas at this time
March 14, 2000RTVISC Meeting14 Other WG2 Conclusions #1c u Standard for CBTC/IEEE Std interfaces ä only 59% of group voted on this item ä only 38% of those that voted, voted “for” –Insufficient consensus within WG2 to proceed with standards development in this areas at this time
March 14, 2000RTVISC Meeting15 Other WG2 Conclusions #2 u Acceptance Testing Standards for CBTC Systems ä 79% of group voted on this item ä only 64% of those that voted, voted “for” –Insufficient consensus to proceed with such standards development at this time –It was also unclear if such a standard would be within the IEEE mandate (rather than within the mandate of the applicable regulatory agencies)
March 14, 2000RTVISC Meeting16 Other WG2 Conclusions #3 u Maintenance Standards for CBTC Systems ä 71% of group voted on this item ä only 25% of those that voted, voted “for” –Insufficient consensus to proceed with such standards development at this time
March 14, 2000RTVISC Meeting17 Other WG2 Comments u Means of improving coordination between IEEE CBTC and NAJPTC/RSAC standard initiatives should continue to be explored u Means of establishing coordination between IEEE CBTC and European Urban Transit CBTC standard initiatives (UGTMS) should also be explored
March 14, 2000RTVISC Meeting18 Next Meeting u When:Thursday, April 27, 2000 u Where:US&S, Pittsburgh