CSULA IEEE Student Branch Activity Report Presented by Jane Dong 2006 IEEE Region 6 Southern Area Spring Meeting
Outline Introduction Activity Report ( ) General Meetings Professional Development & Activities Social Activities Future Plan
Introduction CSULA IEEE Student Chapter continues to play a leading role to Attract more students to join IEEE Promote engineering & Technology Help current engineering students in professional development Organization structure and officers
CSULA IEEE General Meeting CUSLA IEEE General meeting is held 3 times per quarter Guest speakers are invited to give talks on Recent advancement in various engineering fields Industrial design projects Professional development skills
CSULA IEEE General Meeting (cont.) Sample presentation topics: “New Technology Trend in Biomedical Engineering”, Lei Sun, USC Research Scientist “Automation in Power Engineering”, Sheridan Mascarenhas, Southern California Edison “Resume Preparation and Interview Skills”, Cesar Gonzalez, CLSUA Career Center
Meeting pictures…
Professional activities In addition to the general meetings, CUSLA IEEE student chapter hosted a number of other activities to promote the advancement of engineering Field Trip to Northrop Grumman National Engineering Week Activities Outreach and Open house activities
Engineering week activities Hosted Pop-stick Competition Promote the engineering field to students from high school and community college ECST banquet Highlighted event to celebrate the academic achievements Provide support to a number of banquet events
Field Trip Field trip to Northrop Grumman on Mar 23, 2006 Sponsored by IEEE and Northrop Grumman 23 students attended this field trip and visited F-18 manufacture site Networking with engineers in Northrop Grumman and received advice for professional development
ECST Open House ECST Open house was hosted in Winter, 2006 IEEE Student Branch provided significant help Served in student question/answer panel to Introduce the engineering program Introduce the ECST labs and other facilities Answer questions on professional development Role models for other students
Open House pictures
MicroMouse MicroMouse Project An educational project to enhance the students’ design skills MicroMouse project includes Training on Microprocessor design -- Around 15 interested students received training on microprocessor and hardware design Building a working micro mouse -- 5-person team is working towards this goal
Social Activities CSULA IEEE Student chapter also hosted a number of social activities to provide community service.
Future Plan New board election in coming May Meeting will be held to promote the IEEE and encourage more students to volunteer Candidates will present their plan on IEEE activities Other activity plan Continuation of MicroMouse project Promote students to attend professional conferences Future field trip More outreach activities