Poster Template for VTC2015-Spring Glasgow First A. Author 1,2, Second B. Author, Jr. 2, and Third C. D. Author 3 1 National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder, CO USA 2 Physics Department, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO USA 3 National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305, Japan Abstract In a few short sentences explain the problem the poster addresses, the novelty of your approach, and the most significant results. This abstract should not be as long and as detailed as the abstract of a paper. Bear in mind, that a poster is neither a short version of your paper, nor a list of slides copied one next to the other. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Problem Statement Here you can explain in more details the addressed problem, why that is important, and how is your approach different from related previous work. Instead of long sentences, you might use bulleted lists if appropriate: in LEACH (Heinzelmann, ’02) clusters are formed based on signal strength; in LCA (Baker, ‘84) the goal is to handle node mobility; in Adaptive clustering (Lin, Gerla, ‘97), a single-hop intra cluster topology is established. As opposed to these, our approach proposes this and that. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Network Architecture Besides the Abstract, the Problem Statement and the Conclusion section, all the other section titles in this template are just examples of how your poster could be structured. You’re free of course to use whatever structure you think appropriate, but at least one-half of the poster area should be devoted to figures, graphs or photographs: the adage about one picture being worth 10,000 words is relevant in this case. Please note that for good quality printing, your figures or photographs should have a resolution of at least 300dpi. Figures in this template have a much lower resolutions, but this is just a template. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Fig. 1: Figure caption in 18 Calibri Bold Theoretical Performance Analysis Fonts to be used: The title of the poster should be in 54 Calibri, bold, centered, and blue colored. The author names should be in 32 Calibri, bold, centered, black. The affiliation and addresses should be in 22 Calibri, bold, centered. The section titles should be in 32 Calibri, bold, centered, colored in white, using a blue background. All the normal texts should be in 22 Calibri, normal, justified, and black. Bold and italic can be used to emphasize important messages, but should be used with care (entire paragraphs should not be highlighted in bold). The text written in red in this template is just to fill in the gaps. You should not use red color text in your final poster. Figure and table captions should be in 18 Calibri, bold, centered below the figure or table. The texts inside the figures (tags, numbers, etc.) or the tables should be of comparable dimensions with the caption (i.e., 18 Calibri) so as to be readable from a 4ft distance. Equations should have the same average size of the symbols. Paragraphs should be separated by 12 pt. The same applies for bulleted or numbered lists. Poster size: the poster should be of size A0, i.e., 841 mm x 1189 mm (or × inches), in portrait format. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Do not go below this line. Fig. 2: Figure caption in 18 Calibri BoldFig. 3: Figure caption in 18 Calibri Bold Simulation Results The results section should indicate the most important findings. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. 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Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. IEEE VTC2015-Spring – Glasgow, Scotland – May 2015