Acquisition Branch – Client Engagement Sector “Improving procurement together” Presentation to GOFAC Prepared by: Acquisitions Branch and Real Property Branch
2 Contents 1.Introduction 2.Acquisition Transformation - Industry Engagement 3.Methods of Engagement 4.Engagement Plan 5.Consolidated Procurement Instrument Development and Workstations CPI 6.Questions 7.Summary and Closing Remarks
Purpose: -Introduce Acquisitions Program Transformation. -Background and purpose of Smart procurement principles. -Present the concept of Early Engagement. -Present the Early Engagement approach for the future office furniture Consolidated Procurement Instruments (CPIs). Introduction 3
Acquisition Transformation Focus of AP transformation is on the implementation of two key initiatives: 1.Leveraging Digital Technology 2.Smart Procurement principles 4
Four Key Principles: 1.Early Engagement 2.Effective Governance 3.Independent Advice 4.Benefits for Canadians Smart Procurement 5
Early Engagement Open dialogue early in the process about what our clients need and what our suppliers can offer. Occurs prior to the solicitation process meaning more flexible dialogue. Aligned with core values of procurement: openness, fairness and transparency. Should make the process easier to follow, save money, and more strategic in the way that we buy things. Examples 6
Methods of Engagement Examples: 1.Questionnaire and/or comments on proposed solicitation(s) and/or technical specifications; 2.Industry engagement day/session to discuss topics and/or answer questions; 3.One-on-One Industry Meetings to listen to their concerns, comments, recommendations and solutions; and 4.Working group meetings to discuss specific topics/issues. 7
Methods of Engagement cont. -Methods of engagement will be detailed through the Letter of Interest posted on the Buy and Sell Website. –Not all engagement methods will be used in all procurements. The officer must choose what is most suitable for their procurement. 8
Engagement Plan 9 1.Post Letter of Interest 2.One on One sessions 3.Follow up
Questions and Answers ? 10
Conclusion and Summary -LOI will be posted shortly on Buy and Sell Website -Follow instructions in LOI to participate -Closing Remarks 11