5 Factors for Evaluating a Website
Authority Who is responsible for this site? Is this site published by a person, an organisation or a company? What are their credentials? Do they have any expertise or experience on the topic? Is the information they provide like to be reliable and trustworthy?
Currency How current is the site? Are there lots of broken links? Is the information outdated? Does it look like the site has not changed for a long time? Is this the sort of information which needs to be constantly updated, or is it suitable for long-term use?
Content/Purpose Why does this site exist? What sort of information/resources can I get at this site? Is this site designed to inform or entertain, or does it have some other purpose? Is this site trying to sell me something?
Audience Who is this site aimed at? Is the language level of the site suitable for the target audience? Does the overall design, or "look and feel", of the site do a good job of meeting the needs of the target audience? Would the target audience for this site find it of interest?
Structure/Workability How easy is the site to use? How easy is it to find the information you need? Is the site reasonably quick to use, or do the pages take ages to load? Could I use this site if I had a disability? Would I come back to this site by choice, or has it been a painful experience?