Unbelievable Website A website where you can order exotic animals for meals ? Why does this exist? Who would make this? What reactions do you have to it?
Unbelievable Website How can you determine if the website is reliable or not? Others: The Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie Shards of Glass
Media Literacy Media - any form of produced communication Medium - a particular form of communication (newspaper, radio, television, internet, etc) Literacy - the ability to effectively understand a form of communication Is it important to be “media literate”? Why or why not? Take the media survey...
Media Literacy What does the following clip say about media literacy? Reactions? Thoughts? We live in a media-saturated environment, thus it is important to be able to understand the messages that are constantly bombarded us so we can make informed decisions about things
Tools for Understanding Media: Five Key Concepts 1. All media are constructions that construct reality all media (t.v. shows, webpages, textbooks, songs) Don’t “just exist” - they are carefully made by someone for a purpose we have built our personal understandings of the world through media - our sense of “beauty”, “Manliness”, “success”, “happiness” comes from the images and messages around us Dove - v=iYhCn0jf46U
Tools for Understanding Media: Five Key Concepts 1. All media are constructions that construct reality Questions to ask: -Who created this message and what do they want me to think about this message? -How does the info in this message compare to facts, what I already know, etc?
Tools for Understanding Media: Five Key Concepts 2. All media have their own forms and conventions all media use different techniques and “tricks of the trade” to catch our attention the meaning of a message might differ between mediums (for example, a newspaper report on a baseball game will differ from a television news report of the ame game)
Tools for Understanding Media: Five Key Concepts 2. All media have their own forms and conventions Questions to ask: -How are the tools of this medium used to convey this message? -How would the meaning of this message change if it were in a different medium? Ford commercial
Tools for Understanding Media: Five Key Concepts 3. All media have embedded values and points of view all media are some form of advertising - they are trying to sell you either a product, service, idea etc (for example, an ad might be trying to sell you cigarettes and a song might be trying to sell you an idea about rebellion) we have to be aware of the ideas that are being sold to us because they can influence our religious, political and social views on life
Tools for Understanding Media: Five Key Concepts 3. All media have embedded values and points of view Questions to ask -what beliefs, lifestyles, values are being presented to me? -what beliefs, lifestyles, values are omitted from this message? -who is in control of this message? -what stereotypes (if there are any) are being presented?
Tools for Understanding Media: Five Key Concepts 4. Different people experience the same message differently everyone has different beliefs, values, lifestyles so everyone experiences a message differently (e.g. kids view cartoons different then adults, men and women may have a different interpretation of a movie)
Tools for Understanding Media: Five Key Concepts 4. Different people experience the same message differently Questions to ask -how might people of different beliefs, ethnicities, age, gender experience this message?
Tools for Understanding Media: Five Key Concepts 5. All media are constructed to gain profit or power every medium is influenced by commercial considerations this effects content, technique, and distribution a relatively small handful of corporations dominant what we see, hear and read
Tools for Understanding Media: Five Key Concepts
5. All media are constructed to gain profit or power Questions to ask - Why was this ad sent? How was this ad paid for? How does this ad generate money or power? o1G9k