“One Heart, One Team, One Mission” “If you want to go fast go alone. If you want to go far, go TOGETHER”. -African Proverb
If you are new, Welcome to the Blazer Family If you are returning welcome back 1 st Meeting of the season Tonight we are going to go over: Spring paperwork Spring/Summer payments UPS TEAM CAMP APX/Summer Performance Sessions Upcoming Fundraising Calendar
1. We are going to front load all paper work again this year to relieve some stress. 1. It helps ASB clear players faster in August 2. This is your fall paper work!!! You only need to fill it out one time. Once you fill out for spring you are done. You don’t need to do it again 2. You are going to have to go online to the Timberline High School Website and download the football and district paperwork in order to be cleared for Spring Ball. There is more then just the packet, make sure download everything You will need a current physical as well. Remember physicals are good for 13 months. Your doctor can also sign off for 2 years. That is between you and your doc. 4. You CANNOT pay the $125 pay to play, $30 ASB or your Fines until August. But paperwork must be in. 5. PAYMENTS FOR SPRING THAT MUST BE INCLUDED WITH REGISTRATION 1. Included with the packet will be your UPS TEAM camp registration and deposit ($100) or full payment ($285). You will also need to include your $30 APX summer performance fee as well as the June clinic registration. This will pay for your clinic, nutrition consults, weekly workouts, and two daily performance trainers. 2. Players will not get their gear unless they are cleared through ASB and Ms. Parret. 3. All paperwork must be complete in order to participate in TEAM camp, workouts and Spring Ball. 4. Players will not get gear unless they are cleared through ASB/Athletics. ALL THESE FORMS MUST BE TURNED IN TO Ms. Parret (ASB) NO later than May 26 th.
Olympic Crest Coffee Price is still to be determined. I am waiting for the new sales recording sheet. I thought this may be a good one, because they have the Kurig Cups now. How we run this ▪ The first 10 items sold goes directly to the FOOTBALL TEAM(each player must sell 10 at least. ▪ Everything after goes to the player for TEAM Camp and for APX summer sessions. ▪ Depending on the what the price is, Olympic Crest gets $6 or $7 dollars for every item sold. The player will get the rest, after they sell their 10. ▪ What do we purchase with fundraised funds ▪ Helmets ▪ Shoulder Pads ▪ Jerseys ▪ Video equipment ▪ Hydration system ▪ Footballs ▪ Field Equipment ▪ Scholarships for players ▪ APX ▪ Weight Room Equipment
▪ Applebee’s breakfast in May and June ▪ Everything goes towards the player’s UPS Team camp and APX performance enhancement. The more you sell the more you get. May 9 th will be the first one. We will have tickets at the April meeting. ▪ Coffee sales ▪ The first 10 go to Timberline football. Everything after goes to your camp and APX performance. The more you sell the more you get. What ever the split will be is what goes to your camp. ▪ EX. You sell 20 at $14 each, the first 10 goes into the TEAM fund. S0 the TEAM would get ex. $80 (if O.C. takes $6) then the next 10 would go to your UPS or APX performance, so $80 towards UPS and APX.
End of June-1 st day of practice in August All of the days for the summer are done. Please don’t invest too much in the games schedule yet. We still don’t now exactly when games will be. I just wanted to give the new parents and idea of what practice during school will look like. Decoded the calendar- ▪ Green(GRN)=10-12 graders ▪ Gold (GLD)=9 th and some 10 th ▪ Half Rack=Helmets/shoulder pads/shorts/cleats ▪ Full=Full Gear
The calendar and events are set for the summer. It is extremely important that we make all the dates and scheduled team events. Our last football practice type of activity is June 29 th, then we are all athletic performance the rest of the summer. If you are planning vacations, I always tell parents that the first 2 weeks in August are always the best. I understand some players want to go to other camps and what not to get looked at by colleges. I do support all those things, but our stuff needs to take precedent. Spring and summer are important TEAM bonding for our program.
1. University of Puget Sound Team Camp 1. June (Friday-Monday) 2. COST is 1. $285 1.$100 Deposit is due May 26 th to ASB with your Athletic Packet and Registration form 2.Final Payment is June 19 th by 3:00 pm to ASB office. 3.All Checks are made out to Timberline Football 1.If you pay with a credit card, you must come into the ASB office. 4.Players also must have the required practices before they can scrimmage other teams. (3 helmets, 4 Padded) 3. Place 1. University of Puget Sound 2. We carpool over 3. Everyone is welcome to come and watch daily
M-Thursday Times are set for spring ball. We may make a few slight time adjustments where we see fit. 1. Monday – Thursday 3:15-6 pm June 1-11 Board time and lifting will be before practice Freshmen are 4:15-6 2. Monday- SS Stadium 1-3 June 15 & 16 Every player must have a certain number of practice days met as well as the proper paper work in. We have a limited number of days to get these days in so it is crucial that we make sure we get them in. These days have to be met. ▪ 3 days of Helmets only ▪ 4 days of Pads This has to be done before we go to TEAM camp on the 26th. They can still go to camp, but your player will not be able to scrimmage other teams until the day requirements are met.
Our summer APX clinic is going to be Saturday, June 20 th from 8-3. The payment is going to be tied into your spring paperwork and release forms. The $30 pays for the summer clinic, the APX nutritionist coming to us twice a month, and for two performance coaches everyday. It breaks down to about $1.03 a day. I really want to take the next step in performance enhancement. Other programs that have specialized instruction pay close to $300 for summer and $300 for winter. That is per player. WE will have 2 and half fundraisers to help offset camp and training fees.
Spring Ball June 1st- June 25 th ▪ See calendar for times and dates TEAM Camp June Weight Room/Conditioning/Speed Training M-Thursday ▪ Graders 8-10 am ▪ 9 th graders 10 – 11 am ▪ Skelly Tuesday and Thursday August Parent Meeting and BBQ TBA ( Usually the week before the first day of practice) Fall Football Starts August 18 th
After Spring Break weight room hours will be: Mornings from 6am-7am Monday – Thursday After school Monday, Tuesday, Thursday from 2:15- 3:30. ▪ There are 7 opportunities to lift during the week.
Hal Bowes runs the youth camp Denise Oster is in charge of registration If you are interested in Volunteering please contact them. ▪ Hal or Denise June At SS Stadium (players are there from 8:30-12:30) 20 hours Community Service Only grades 10-12
Hal is in charge of this as well. He is looking for some volunteers.
All communication ▪ IF WE DON’T HAVE YOUR AND PHONE NUMBER PLEASE PASS IT TO THEM. TEAM MOM, Amy Brever’s is: Doris Maxwell is in charge of our website The goal is to just have to meet with the TEAM Mom and Grade Level Parents during the season and then they push out the info. This is what we sort of did for TEAM meals for the Freshmen and JV teams. I would like to try and iron out the details a little better. ▪ 9 th graders ??? ▪ Hal Bowes-10 th graders ▪ Kim Rohr- 11 th graders ▪ Danielle McDuffy- 12 th graders
All Out Sports sponsors children (grades K-12) in the Thurston County area who are financially unable to participate in sports programs either in-school or in the community. This is another potential resource for kids that may need assistance with athletic fees, ASB Cards, equipment, shoes, and other costs associated with participation. Now that the website is up, it makes access to All Out Sports that much easier for families, and for school personnel who want to provide students with another resource. Here’s the link to the website: I encourage you to visit the site. There is an application process that is explained on the website.
Spirit Pack Information Team store will be open in 2 week on Winning Seasons website. ▪ You are only required to purchase the jersey and socks this year. Everything else is optional. ▪ We have some other expenses that I think are more important then shirts and shorts. ▪ You must provide your own girdle. Fan wear site will also be open soon through All Pro More TEAM Camp Information Fundraising will begin in May Summer Weights and Events Impact Testing
Calendar UPS TEAM Camp Forms APX forms and Cell Number to Amy Timberline Athletic Page Website to Download forms Due May 26 th with attached to it UPS Camp and APX forms with either:$100 deposit or $285 full payment. Also due on the 26 th are your players’s APX $30 and form.
Parents, I am very well aware of the cost for football. This is why I run so many fundraisers. My goal is always for everyone to be able to participate. If your player needs financial assistance please contact me at I cannot help everyone, but I do try and help the best I