1 Electronic Commerce Value Chains and Using the Web to Sell Products and Services
2 Objectives To investigate the differences between traditional and electronic commerce Examine the features of the WWW that make electronic commerce possible To analyze value chains To identify how businesses sell on the web To identify purchasing, logistic and business activities on the web Learn about new types of business activities on the web
3 E-commerce Doing business on the internet E-commerce and e-business
4 Buyer and Seller Roles In Commerce
5 Functions of electronic commerce Systems
6 Activities in the value chain (Porter)
7 Primary Business Unit Value Chain
8 Book Industry Value Chain
9 Business Processes Suitability to Electronic Commerce
10 Course Website
11 URLS for Chapter rspectives/ec/t01_noframes.html
12 Rappa Site Managing the Digital Enterprise ® | Open Courseware | Professor Michael RappaManaging the Digital Enterprise ® | Open Courseware | Professor Michael Rappa
13 Assignment (Group Activity) Complete Tutorial 1 as described in the text Select 10 of the websites referenced in the text in Tutorial 1. –List each URL and describe in a table: the purpose for the website the users of the website services the effectiveness of the website for the user how this e-commerce company makes money. Use the text to determine which of the sites are still active. –Report any dead links How does Chapters.ca compare with Amazon.com?