But, how do you know if the information is good, accurate and reliable ? Websites from the Internet can be fast and easy to use. How do you know if the information is rubbish?
Here are some questions at ask yourself. So, you must be careful and think critically about the websites you find. Anybody can create a website and post any information he or she chooses.
It might be a person, a company or an organization. First, who runs or owns the site ? The name of an organization might be misleading. Maybe it looks like an educational site. But, really it is an online store.
But when you read, the writers say the Earth is flat. Maybe this site is a joke. Or, maybe it is written by unscientific, crazy people. For example, you find a site called “The Truth About the Earth” run by “Scientists for Earth Study.”
Look for “About Us” or “About this site.” Next, ask yourself, who pays for the site? It may be a company or business, a college or a government organization.
Look at the URL suffix. This can tell you something about who runs and pays for a means the site is commercial or owned by a means that site is run by an educational institution.
.org means the site is run by an organization, sometimes non- profit but not means the site is run by the means the site is part of a commercial network.
.ae means the site is from the UAE. There are many 2-letter country codes. They are called ccTLD. You can know what country a website is from.
Is it only to give information or to sell something ? Is the site “honest” about the purpose or does it try to trick you ? Next ask yourself, what is the purpose of the site ?
Are there advertisements or sponsored links ? Is it clear what is an advertisement and what is content? Advertisements are not always bad. Somebody has to pay for a website even if the purpose is educational.
Are the links online stores? Are there links to other sites? Are the links to references, citations or sources of the information ? This is a feature of a good site.
Is it based on scientific research? Is it from a university or government agency? Where does the info come from ? Or, is the info based on personal opinion only ?
Are the authors experts in the subject or people with no special training or education? Look to see if the authors have educational degrees, professional memberships and certifications.
Does the language seem emotional, not logical ? Is the information biased or prejudiced ? Are there unbelievable claims ? Is there only 1 side of the story ?
Are there links, references or citations for facts and figures ? Or, did the author invent them ? Is the information reviewed by experts before posting ? Can you check the information ?
What is the date of the page ? How often is the page updated? How current or new is the info ? If you see no date on the page, maybe the page is not a good one.
Lastly, does the site collect info about the users ? What is their “Privacy Policy ?” Do you need to register or sign up to see information ? What will they do with your personal information ? Will they sell it to marketers ?
But, it is important to take time to do this. There are so many questions to ask yourself about websites. Otherwise, you may waste your time if information from a website is rubbish.
Ask your teacher or your friendly librarian if you have any questions. I hope this helps you understand how to tell a good website from a bad website.
HAPPY READING ! Thank you for listening.