Ch. 11- Section 2- Germany Land- 135,000 square miles South- Alps- border with Switzerland and Austria Snow- peaks- skiing
Germany continued Black Forest- wood products Problem- acid rain- precipitation- water carries large amounts- chemicals- sulfuric acid Danube River- see map p. 278 Climate- warm- winter, cool- summer Loess- soil deposited by winds- good crops
Germany continued Economy- highly skilled workers Abundance of workers Ruhr- industrial heart- Europe Coal and iron ore Cities- factories- “smokestack region” Farming- livestock, crops limited Known for beer, wine, cheese
Germany continued Dialect- local form of a language Pop million Late 1800’s- Bismarck united territories- Germany 1930’s- Hitler controlled Germany Sept. 1, Germany invaded Poland Start of WWII Holocaust- murdering of Jews- 6 million
Germany continued Allies US- FDR Great Britain- Churchill Soviet Union- Stalin Defeated Germany West Germany- democracy East Germany- communism “Cold War”- US vs. USSR
Germany continued Germany reunited Berlin Wall comes down Free enterprise system created 85% pop. lives in cities and towns Berlin- largest city and capital- 3.5 million Celebration- Oktoberfest- bratwurst