Europe makes up about 1/5 of the Eurasian landmass.
Europe has always benefited from the wealth of “geography.” The ice sheets of the last ice age carved out large natural harbors and a jagged coastline. Where else did glaciers shape landforms?
Most of the people of Europe live less than 300 miles from the coast. Europe has a number of large rivers that allow transportation deep into the region.
Danube Rhine in Switzerland Volga Seine
Northern Europe’s coastline is filled with deep natural harbors and wide rivers that travel deep into the interior of the continent promoting transportation and trade. World’s busiest port - Rotterdam Barge traffic on the Rhine Port of London, 1750
Europe is the “Continent of Peninsulas” Scandinavian P Jutland P Iberian P Italian P Balkan P Peloponnesian P Crimean
There are over 35 countries in Europe, ranging from tiny Monaco to Western Russia. Keep in mind Texas is a little larger than France.
European culture has influenced the entire world through: Languagetrade religion art Government and economics
Four of the six official languages of the United Nations are European. English French Spanish Russian Chinese Arabic
How did most people in Europe make a living up until the 1800’s? Farming.
Europe is the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution. The factory system as we know it today started in Europe. The Industrial Revolution diffused to the US which propelled our leap into the industrialized world.
Tourism today is a major industry in Europe. The number one tourist destination in the world is: Paris
In pursuit of trade opportunities, European powers colonized much of the world from the 15 th to 20 th centuries. The British, Spanish, and French became world powers through their military and economic conquest of much of the world. “The Sun Never Sets On the British Empire.”
Map of the Spanish Empire from the 1500’s to the 1800’s.
Map of former French colonies.
What drove the European obsession with colonies? RESOURCES TO FUEL THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION.
After the end of World War II until the mid 1960’s, all the major European colonies were granted independence. At one time or another, every country in Africa was colonized by the European powers with the exception of Ethiopia and Liberia.
Today, European countries are primarily driven by trade. The European Union has broken down trade barriers and created a “super economy” that rivals that of the USA.
Flag of the European Union.
Our ideals of democracy come from ancient Greece and Rome. Democracy is today the “rule” of nearly every European country. King John signs the Magna Carta in England.
There are still several “constitutional monarchies” in Europe. They include: Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom. Princess Caroline of Monaco King Juan Carlos of Spain Monarchies exist in Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Netherlands and smaller states.
What is one of the most serious issues facing Europe today? The dramatic drop in the birthrate of native born Europeans.
Germany voted down a law that would allow citizenship to children of immigrants who were born in Germany. Muslim students in France protest new laws prohibiting wearing any religious symbols in public schools There is a large population of British subjects whose parents were born in Pakistan and India.
Europe Physical Features
FRANCE ITALY #10 The Northern European Plain Fertile soils make it a VERY productive agricultural region. Negative : Because the plain is so flat, it has allowed invaders & armies to use it as their route to enter Europe.
Physical Features in Europe Alps Mts. Pyrenees Mts. Apennines Mts. Caucasus Mts. Ural Mts. Carpathian Mts. Northern European Plain Black Forest Massif Central Plateau
**How do mountains affect life in Europe? Mountains in Europe (or in any part of the world) can affect the movement of people, goods, and ideas. The people who live there are forced to ADAPT to their surroundings (Human-Environment Interaction) Mountains can also affect the CLIMATE of an area (higher elevation/ altitude= cooler climate)
Fjords are steep U-shaped valleys that are connected to the sea, and filled with seawater after the glaciers melted. Fjords provide great harbors for fishing Found commonly throughout Norway Fjords
Rich Landscape... Europe has/had ample supply of both coal & iron ore... –Two natural resources needed for an industrialized economy. Some parts of Europe were industrialized more than others - 2 factors were: where these minerals were found & where good transportation existed
Peat Peat: partially decayed plant matter found in swampy areas called bogs Ireland lacks fuel resources such as coal and natural gas, so the Irish cut peat into blocks, dry it, and burn it for fuel in stoves and fireplaces.
Petroleum/Oil Most of Europe’s oil resources are found in the North Sea
Europe has been the driving force and the “heartbeat” of the world for the last 500 years. What will the future bring?