Linear Algebra Data Analysis Project Directions
You must have the following ready: Survey question 1 written. Survey question 2 written. Log into Google.
Immediately click on File, Make a Copy Name the document “YOUR NAME Survey” Do not click “Share it…”
Set up Survey Form Fill in the 1 st line of this form. “YOUR NAME’s Survey Questions” SKIP the boxes that say First Name Last Name Gender Type your 1 st question in this space – a new box will appear…
Set up Survey Form Type your 1 st question in this space. DO NOT type anything else in the other spaces. Click Done. Repeat this process for question #2.
Click on “View Live Form” Set up Survey Form
This is how your survey form will appear to others.
At the top of the page, click on the URL and COPY it. Open the following web address in a new tab:
Type in Your First Name. Type in Your Last Name. Select “Jensen” for teacher. Paste the link to your live form into the box. Click Submit.
Taking Surveys We need everyone in the class to submit their survey link before we can begin collecting data. Open the website: Make a copy of this page for yourself.
Taking Surveys Click on links to surveys. You need to answer all of the surveys. Please answer honestly and completely. Your answers could make or break someone else’s project.
How to access YOUR data… Go to your Google Drive. Click on or open the Google Form titled “YOUR NAME Survey Responses” The document will show everyone’s name who took your survey and their answers.