Clean all products. Always have a caution or wet floor sign after mopping or cleaning a spill. Have good personal hygiene while at work. Cover all cuts, bruises, and burns. Before cooking always put on safety clothing and equipment.
Wearing protective clothing is always good practice. Three types of protecting clothing are gloves, shoes, and back braces. Gloves should always be worn to protect your hand from injury. Shoes should be sturdy no slip resistant shoes Back braces should be used when lifting heavy items.
Personal Hygiene Food handlers are well-groomed and demonstrate personal cleanliness. Food handlers wear appropriate hair restraints. Food handlers wash hands thoroughly with warm soapy water before beginning to cook or handle foods. (Lather for at least 20 seconds, rinse, and use a disposable towel to dry hands and turn off faucet.) Food handlers never use food preparation sinks for hand washing. Transporting Food Equipment used to transport food is sanitary and appropriate for the type of food being transported. All transported food is covered and well insulated. Food is maintained and delivered at appropriate temperatures (hot foods at 140°F or above and cold food at 41°F or below).
As a minimum, you must have: a suitably stocked first-aid box an appointed person to take charge of first-aid arrangements information for all employees giving details of first- aid arrangements
Avoiding Pathogens Any employees who work with food should not be allowed to work if they are sick with diarrhea or are throwing up. Workers who have bacterial pathogens such as Shigella or Salmonella, or who have symptoms of coughing and sneezing, should not be allowed to work with food, utensils or equipment. Personal Hygiene People who work with food should wash their hands frequently and keep fingernails trimmed. If an employee has a wound on his hand or arm, he should have a bandage over the wound and should wear gloves to further prevent any contamination of the food. Those working with food should remove all jewelry with the exception of plain banded rings. Hair restraints should be worn by those working in kitchens or who are in any way involved in food preparation. Tasting Food In any situation, be it at work or at home, when tasting food that is being prepared for others, place a small portion into a separate dish and do not reuse a utensil that has been used to taste the food.
Cross-Contamination Cross-contamination is the movement of chemicals or microorganisms from one food item to the next. Store raw meats, poultry, and seafood in the refrigerator where they can’t drip their juices on fresh foods. Before letting ready-to-eat foods touch cutting boards, knives, plates or other utensils, make sure they have been cleaned.