COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Research DG European Commission Generic activity : Measurements and testing
COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Research DG European Commission Socio-economic objectives Measurements and testing Support to standardisation and Community policies up-to-date standards Fight against fraud know-how ahead of defrauders Improvement of quality increased ability to measure
COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Research DG European Commission Research tasks Measurements and testing Instrumentation a key technology for industry and society Methodologies cost-effectiveness, reliability, traceability CRM development calibration and validation for traceability
COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Research DG European Commission Support to standardisation Fight against fraud Improvement of quality 6.1 Instrumentation Periodic call 6.2 Methodologies EoI + Dedicated call Periodic call 6.3 CRMs Research task Objective EoI + Dedicated call EoI + Dedicated call EoI + Dedicated call EoI + Dedicated call Implementation Matrix
COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Research DG European Commission Research in support of standardisation
COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Research DG European Commission Fight against fraud
COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Research DG European Commission Improvement of quality
COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Research DG European Commission Methodologies new / better methods new techniques better tools (calibrants, transfer standards, reference methods, software, chemometrics, expert systems, etc.) comparable basis for rating products and services
COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Research DG European Commission Instruments Progress beyond state of the art –industrial applications –metrological excellence, new capabilities Operating prototypes Clear plan of exploitation Partnership including instrument manufacturers and end users
COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Research DG European Commission CRM feasibility studies Development of ability to produce and certify materials that are fit for purpose Separate production phase
COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Research DG European Commission EoI / Dedicated call mechanism EoI is a structured description of research related needs in the areas covered by dedicated calls Any interested party (incl. Commission services) can submit an EoI Received EoIs (continuously open call) are periodically evaluated Expressions of interest (EoI) Dedicated calls Dedicated calls, i.e. lists of topics resulting from EoI evaluations, are published periodically Supporting documents (modified & anonymous EoIs) for all published topics are available on the web Any eligible consortium may submit a proposal for any of the published topics
COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Research DG European Commission Measurements & Testing RTD calls Call for expressions of interest (closing date: 30 April 2001) Call for SME specific measures - Exploratory awards and Cooperative research Fourth dedicated call published on 13 October 2000 Periodic call to be published on 15 December 2000 Fifth dedicated call foreseen for publication on 15 October 2001
COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Research DG European Commission Problem solving approach ! Read the guidelines when preparing a proposal (annual revisions of the WP) l Be realistic, choose partners carefully l Industrial core participation and interest is essential l Try to judge your own proposal and have it judged by others Tips for success
COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Research DG European Commission Some important points Stiff competition Pre-proposal check National contact points National representatives in Programme Committee High level expert group / External Advisory Groups Reply to calls for experts
COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Research DG European Commission Periodic call of December 2000 Thematic networks and concerted actions within M&T Sensors, screening systems and instruments for the fight against fraud (proposals may include work on anti-fraud methodologies) Instrumentation for improvement of quality M&T methodologies in support of quality
COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Research DG European Commission Standardisation CEN Materials testing: Cyclic oxidation testing - development of guidelines for high temperature materials Non-destructive testing - time of flight diffraction method Minimally invasive method for toughness, tensile and creep measurements Building and Construction: Shear and torsion interaction of hollow core slabs Noise characterisation of domestic boilers Alkali reactivity tests on aggregates Dedicated Call - topics published on 13 October
COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Research DG European Commission Dedicated Call - topics published on 13 October Standardisation CENELEC –Electromagnetic compatibility testing methods for advanced rail transport –Thermal specifications and properties of electronic components and materials –Protective clothing for use in the manufacturing of electrostatic sensitive electronics –Quantitative characterisation of electronic noses Standardisation ISO –Assessing long term durability of bonded automotive metallic structures –Airborne transmission of noise in automotive vehicles –Spectral luminous efficiency functions for the intermediate luminance levels
COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Research DG European Commission Dedicated Call - topics published on 13 October Anti-fraud methodologies Protecting European economic interests – Euro coin authentication technology Protecting the health and the safety of European citizens – Detecting abuse with growth hormone and related substances in sport – Determination of the origin of hormones in cattle – Detection and prevention of adulteration in the EU fruit juice market – Ear-prints in criminal investigation Certified Reference Materials (CRMs) Technical support for health and safety protection – Organic contaminants in water – Environmental contaminants in food and animal feed – Azo dyes in leather
COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Research DG European Commission Some information sources Measurements &Testing Newsletter Growth helpdesk: tel: +32/2/ fax: +32/2/ CORDIS: EUROPA:
COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Research DG European Commission Support for research infrastructures GROWTH programme EoI / Dedicated call Network-type contracts 37 M€
COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Research DG European Commission Tasks Support activities to medium and large- scale facilities Setting up of virtual institutes Reference databases Support to measurement and quality management infrastructure
COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Research DG European Commission Mutual acceptance of measurements Support to laboratories in candidate member states Support to metrologically less developed sectors Harmonised implementation of quality standards Measurement and quality management infrastructure