Resources to Improve Successful Transition to Postsecondary Education, Employment and Independent Living Rachel Stewart & John Kerr, California Health Incentives Improvement Project (CHIIP) Bryon MacDonald, The World Institute on Disability CAPED 2010
Transition Toolkit: Things are About to Change Things are About to Change: A guide for youth with disabilities transitioning to adulthood in California Goal: To empower youth by providing resources and information to assist in successful transition Primary Audience: Youth with disabilities ages (secondary audience: parents and service providers)
Toolkit Development Process Created with valuable input from various agencies, service providers, subject matter experts and youth with disabilities Agencies included: California Children’s Services California Children’s Services California Department of Rehabilitation California Department of Rehabilitation California Department of Education California Department of Education California Foundation for Independent Living Centers California Foundation for Independent Living Centers State Independent Living Council State Independent Living Council World Institute on Disability World Institute on Disability … and others… and others
Toolkit Format Primarily available via an interactive website PDF versions also available for download via website Worksheets and “Tips for parents” integrated throughout
Toolkit Chapters About transition Education Employment Healthcare Financial Independent Living Social/Recreation
About Transition Chapter User guide for the purpose and contents of the toolkit Introducing the idea of EMPOWERMENT and taking charge of your own life
Education Chapter Education chapter contents: Transition planning, including Individualized Education Program (IEP), Individualized Transition Plan (ITP) and Summary of Performance Agencies which can assist in the transition process Difference between a certificate of completion and a diploma Understanding the differences between high school and college
Education Chapter, cont. Alternatives to college, including vocational training and regional occupation programs Worksheets to assist in the Person- Centered Planning and IEP process Tips for parents on how to prepare youth for education after high school
Employment Chapter Employment chapter contents: Choosing a career that fits with their interests and abilities Choosing a career that fits with their interests and abilities Resume writing and successful interviewing techniques and preparation Resume writing and successful interviewing techniques and preparation Building work experience, including volunteerism and internship programs Building work experience, including volunteerism and internship programs Job search resources The impact of employment on benefits
Employment Chapter, cont. Civil rights related to job accommodations Disability disclosure, and how to decide when (and whether) to disclose their disability Personal assistant services at work Transportation
Healthcare Chapter Healthcare chapter contents: Worksheets on handling their own healthcare needs Keeping track of medications, making doctors appointments and communicating with their doctor Best ways to keep track of vital healthcare information Insurance information, including Medi-Cal, healthcare through employment and continuance of coverage under the family’s plan Tips for parents on helping their child transition into independently handling their own healthcare needs
Financial Chapter Financial Chapter contents: Basic budgeting: how to balance a checkbook, pay bills, etc. Credit cards and how to avoid getting into debt Employee benefits and tax withholdings Investments, such as mutual funds, stocks, bonds and retirement accounts Worksheets on financial planning and budgeting Real-life stories about credit cards and car loans Tips for parents on teaching their child to start managing their own finances
Independent Living Chapter Independent Living chapter contents : Background on disability history, including information on Ed Roberts Worksheet on disability self-awareness and setting goals for the future Finding accessible housing, buying a home, finding roommates and housing rights Checklists to ensure preparation for independence Finding and paying for a personal assistant, best methods of transportation and finding a mentor
Social/Recreation Chapter Social/Recreation chapter contents: Clubs/activities specifically designed for youth with disabilities Available adaptive sports programs Ways to become involved in the disability community Best ways to travel with a disability Parent section prods parents to encourage their child to become more involved in their community
Current Status Feedback of end-users will be gathered to assure the look and feel of the toolkit is effectively reaching the target population, and that the toolkit content is reaching the needs of youth Release date: late Fall 2010, announced on Interested in developing a curriculum for use by teachers
Dissemination Organizations/positions to outreach to: Transition Partnership Programs (TPPs) Transition Partnership Programs (TPPs) Workability Workability CCS case managers CCS case managers Transition specialists Transition specialists Independent Living Centers Independent Living Centers Family Empowerment Centers Family Empowerment Centers Regional Centers Regional Centers DSPS staff DSPS staff Other ideas for dissemination/distribution?
Other Youth-Related Resources One-Stop Career Centers: Students.aspx or US2-JOBS Students.aspx Students.aspx Helps youth identify their interests, explore careers, find education opportunities and get valuable work experience. Helps youth identify their interests, explore careers, find education opportunities and get valuable work experience. Youth Organizing (YO!) Disabled and Proud: or Connects youth to resources, leadership building opportunities, and information about disability culture, community and history. Connects youth to resources, leadership building opportunities, and information about disability culture, community and history.
Youth-Related Resources cont. Talent Knows No Limits: Informational website connecting Employers, Service Providers and Job Seekers. Younger workers section provides valuable information on internship opportunities and transition information for moving into employment Informational website connecting Employers, Service Providers and Job Seekers. Younger workers section provides valuable information on internship opportunities and transition information for moving into employment Disability Benefits 101: Helps workers, job seekers, and service providers understand the connections between going to work and how that will affect disability benefits (including cash and healthcare benefits). Includes a “school and work” benefits calculator, youth- specific section currently being expanded. Helps workers, job seekers, and service providers understand the connections between going to work and how that will affect disability benefits (including cash and healthcare benefits). Includes a “school and work” benefits calculator, youth- specific section currently being expanded.
Contact Information Rachel Stewart, CHIIP or John Kerr, CHIIP or Bryon MacDonald, World Institute on Disability or or