Faith in Angels Second article of faith The number of angels Qualities of angels Tasks of angels Name of some angels A creature with no choice
Diff b/w Quran and other books Original in form n words Authentic Living language Universal in message n time Comprehensive Translations and changed Un authentic Dead language Particular in message and time Incomplete
Believe in books Difference b/w book and scripture Diff b/w Quran and other books
Faith in Prophets Differences between Nabi and Rasool. Differences between Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h and other prophets. Finality of prophethood.
Belief in life after death Essential ingredients of faith 1. Qiyyamah : last day 2.Hashr: resurrection 3.Yaum ud din : final presentation 4.Yaum ul hisaab :day of judgement
Belief in life after death Need of this faith A rational vindication
Belief in Al qada wal qadar Importance of this faith Merits of this faith Four components of this faith 1.Al ilm 2.Kitab 3.Masheeah 4.Al khalq
SYSTEM OF WORSHIP IN ISLAM Definition of worship. Worship, an instinctive nature of man. Kinds of worship
The Prayer As salat A worship of all creatures. Purpose of prayer. Benefits of prayer. Kinds of prayers. The ablution.
The Fasting As saum Meaning of fasting Fasting in Quran Who must fast Exemption from fasting General recommendations
The alms giving zakat Meaning of Zakat It is obligatory upon : Wealth on which zakat is imposed Distribution of zakat Things on which there is no zakat Recipients of zakat Virtues of giving and punishment for not giving
The Pilgrimage Hajj Meaning of Hajj Importance of Hajj On whom its obligatory Pillars of Hajj Types of Hajj