Donna Clem Coordinator of STEM Initiatives
Content Mastery STEM Education Develops Skills That Allow for a Deeper Understanding of Content
1.Learn and Apply Rigorous Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Content 2.Integrate Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Content 3.Interpret and Communicate STEM Information 4.Engage in Inquiry 5.Engage in Logical Reasoning 6.Collaborate as a STEM Team 7.Apply Technology Appropriately
Elementary School Middle School High School Advanced Preparation of Students for Post- Secondary Study and Careers in STEM Development of STEM proficient students with an increase in the rigor of content and skills as students progress academically. Grades K-5Grades 6-8Grades 9-12
STEM helps put mathematics in a context that is relevant, authentic, and connected to careers and life. Math is everywhere and it IS used in everyday life from cooking, to fitness, home décor, landscaping, nursing, driving, even art. What is computer science? Math. What is creativity? Math. STEM helps answer the questions - Why do I need to know this mathematics. When will I ever use this? Mathematics is the language of science and engineering.
Students can consider themselves math literate when they can confidently and effectively use math concepts, and can recognize how to transfer their skills to help them solve problems. If students are shown real-world examples of how math is used in our daily lives, this can help to motivate them to make the effort needed to become math literate.shown real-world examples
Maryland State department of Education MDK12 – STEM Standards of Practice Frameworks and Instructional Guides Maryland Council of Teachers of Mathematics National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
STEM Proficient Students Investigators and Problem Solvers Logical Thinkers Effective Communicators Technologically, Scientifically, and Mathematically Literate
Donna Clem Coordinator Nira Taru, Ph.D. Elementary School STEM Specialist Raquel Marshall Middle School STEM Specialist Tiara Booker-Dwyer High School STEM Specialist