Department of Botany and Genetics Department of Biology 1963 Department of Biology Laboratory of Radiobiology Department of General Biology Department of Genetics Department of Botany Department of Ecological and Systematic Zoology Department of Special Biology Department of Anthropology and Zoology Department of Cell and Molecular Biology Department of Anomal and Human Physiology Department of Experimental Botany and Genetics Department of Zoology and Ecology Institite of Biology and Ecology since 2002
Conception of academic activities was built up on traditional values and reflected positive changes after1990 Traditional values conception of medicinal plant research since 1972 and position of the Department within former Czechoslovakia and Europe establishment of Plant Biotechnology and Cryobiology laboratories at the beginning of eighties Changes after new concept of higher education new challenges for cooperation in science
Education of 2 nd and 3 rd cycles Accreditation since nd cycle: Genetics and molecular cytology 3 rd cycle: Genetics
Education of 2 nd cycle Courses 1 st cycle: Genetics 2 nd cycle: Genetics and Molecular Cytology Evolutionary Biology (Molecular Evolution) Cytogenetics and Karyology Model organisms in Genetics Plant Biotechnology Human Genetics Population Genetics Functional Plant Genomics Gene Manipulations in Plants Genetic Seminar
Doctoral graduates within the years V. Švehlíková (Genetics 2002) K. Bruňáková (General Biology 2003) P. Saxová (General Biology 2003) J. Koperdáková (Genetics 2006) M. Urbanová (Genetics 2006) J. Košuth (Genetics 2007) Z. Katkovčinová (Genetics 2008) H. Košuthová Komarovská (Genetics 2010) M. Skyba (Genetics 2011)
Doctoral graduates in Genetics within the years from Department of Cell Biology J. Kovaľ R. Jendželovský L. Kuliková M. Kello P. Ferenc M. Bačkorová
Vision rational integration of research (identification of integral elements and critical mass) integration into ERA through collaborative European programmes positively motivate students in both, formal and informal education programmes by creativity support Increase number of doctoral students Improve infrastructure in education by research Research and Education
Vision Quality vs. quantity and a balance between them... in research, education... everything around...