Youtube for education - getting into it! Andreea VISAN, Bogdan LOGOFATU, Dumitru Dan BURDESCU
AGENDA Preamble YouTube - as an educational tool Digital Education for digital natives The Department for Distance Learning experience with video tutorial Conclusion
Preamble Video tutorials give teachers the opportunity to publish instructional videos and to share thoughts, lesson plans, and other resources In the last years, the Department for Distance Learning has started to use Google Apps in education and video tutorials in the educational process This paper explores the impact of video tutorials on students within the Department for Distance Learning, University of Bucharest, Romania.
YouTube - as an educational tool Today’s students are speaking a new language, a digital one, of computers, Games, Youtube, Facebook and all the other tools that Internet provides them. A recent report by Neilsen NetRatings, revealed that Youtube had 67.5 million unique visitors nationwide in the month of January, it is meant for viewers ages 13 and up and it is one of the most visited site on the Internet Digital industry is changing the landscape and is bringing education into the 21st century.
Digital Education for digital natives The authors have reported the need for a transition from the traditional classroom to a modern one, in which all new digital technologies and especially video tutorial are playing an important role. 96% of European Universities offers at least one online class
The Department for Distance Learning experience with video tutorial From the academic year , the Department for Distance Learning started to use Google Apps in the educational process. We started to use video tutorial as a step forward to on-line education An Ad-hoc surveys, revealed that video tutorials next to college classes can provide a source of information that's reliable and has the quality guarantee to younger students and their teachers.
The importance of video tutorial A survey developed by the authors within the students from Department of Distance learning revealed that 52% of the students granted a major importance to video tutorials in the process of learning and only one student considered that the support that the video tutorial offers is not useful. ALL students are receptive to links within video descriptions and by looking at the video clips, they reminded of what their teacher spoke about in class
The recommended length of a video tutorial Another aspect that our surveys revealed is that the clips shouldn’t be longer than 10 minutes to get students attention and the title must be representative for the content. Continuous interruptions during viewing risk breaking concentration and should be avoided. Students can be given simple tasks to carry out while watching a video which will help them to engage with the video's content. A balance has to be found which doesn't ask too much of students, but does help to keep them active. Predefined pause points may also act to engage students by eliciting opinions during the viewing process.
Time devoted per week to watch video tutorials When the students were asked how much time they should devote per week to watch the video, 45% of the students pointed from 10 to 30 minutes and 43% of the students pointed to 30 to 60 minutes The authors believe that one of the main benefits of using video tutorials as a support for the classroom is the time that students spend on a task or an a subject.
CONCLUSION Youtube is home to a number of student projects, and more and more Universities have partnerships with Youtube ALL students are receptive to video tutorial and one of the main benefits is that they can look the video again and again, whenever they want, wherever they want The work that the directors of Department for Distance Learning did has became a window into the minds of creative people, the ups and downs experiences have made them try harder to improve the educational process, to make the step to a new digital education, to keep up with all this new “trends”
Thank you! Andreea VISAN, Bogdan LOGOFATU, Dumitru Dan BURDESCU