Funded through a joint agreement among the U.S. Department of Agriculture/Food & Nutrition Services (USDA/FNS), the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) CalFresh Branch, and the University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE). CNAP Webinar November 8, 2012 Contact Information: David Ginsburg, MPH Director, UC CalFresh Nutrition Education Program Connie Schneider, PhD, RD Director, Youth, Families, and Communities Statewide Program Susan Donohue EFNEP Coordinator and Advisor
UC CalFresh & EFNEP County Programs (38 unique counties) UC CalFresh Only EFNEP Only UC CalFresh & EFNEP UC CalFreshEFNEP 31 counties 20 counties
G OAL 1: Family-Centered or Adult/Youth Nutrition Education G OAL 2: Money/Food Resource Management, Education and Training for Teens and Adults G OAL 3: Enhance Nutrition Education Through Partnerships G OAL 4: Explore Lower Cost Direct Nutrition Education Delivery Methods G OAL 5: Program Evaluation and Training 5 STATE LEVEL GOALS For more information on all of the State Level Goals and Objectives, please refer to the FFY 2013 UC CalFresh NEP Statewide Nutrition Education Plan: FFY 13 Statewide Goals Provide quality, evidenced based nutrition education to CalFresh eligibles and their children STATE LEVEL OBJECTIVES O BJECTIVES LINKED TO G OAL 1 O BJECTIVES LINKED TO G OAL 2 O BJECTIVES LINKED TO G OAL 3 O BJECTIVES LINKED TO G OAL 4 O BJECTIVES LINKED TO G OAL 5 3
UC CalFresh Website: EFNEP Website:
FFY 2012 UC CalFresh Accomplishments * Total number of participants: 141,431 Youth Direct Education: 118,670 Adult/Family Direct Education: 22,670 Number of contacts-impressions 6,253,661 Overall SNAP Participant reached (statewide): 63% Total hours of education (Youth only): 128,767 Adult Education delivered at 597 sites Youth Education delivered at 632 sites Total number of unique delivery sites 1,114 *preliminary data
UC CalFresh Nutrition Education by Site Type (FFY 2012) SITE TYPE # # Adult Education & Job Training Sites 33 Public Schools – K Adult Rehab Center 14 Public Schools – PreK 59 Worksites - Public Schools – AS 36 Community Centers 21 Head Start Programs 98 Elderly Service Centers 23 Other Youth Education Sites (Parks & Rec) 11 Emergency Food Assistance Sites 35 Shelters 17 Extension Offices 1 WIC Program 2 Farmer’s Markets 1 PreSchools (located in Non CDS Coded Site) 74 Food Stamp Offices 10 AfterSchools (located in Non CDS Coded Site) 6 Food Stores 2 Community Based Organization 33 Public Housing 35 Total Youth Sites 850 Individual Homes 69 Total Sites (Adult + Youth) 1,114 Libraries 10 Churches 7 Public/Community Health Centers 3 Total Adult Sites 264