Science and the Bible Proof that the Bible is From God
Earth The earth is round The earth is round Ferdinand Magellen (Voyage A.D.) Ferdinand Magellen (Voyage A.D.) Isaiah 40:22a Isaiah 40:22a Proverbs 8:27 Proverbs 8:27
Earth The earth hangs on nothing The earth hangs on nothing Sir Isaac Newton (Discovered in 1687 A.D.) Sir Isaac Newton (Discovered in 1687 A.D.) Job 26:7 Job 26:7
Earth Valleys of the oceans Valleys of the oceans British scientists found 5.5miles deep recess (1873 A.D.) British scientists found 5.5miles deep recess (1873 A.D.) Job 38:16 Job 38:16 Psalm 18:15 Psalm 18:15
Earth Paths of the seas Paths of the seas Matthew Maury (First published in 1847 A.D.) Matthew Maury (First published in 1847 A.D.) Psalm 8:8 Psalm 8:8
Earth Jet stream Jet stream Earliest evidence was in the 1920’s by Wasaburo Ooishi Earliest evidence was in the 1920’s by Wasaburo Ooishi Majority of evidence during WWII Majority of evidence during WWII Ecclesiastes 1:6 Ecclesiastes 1:6
Earth Air has weight Air has weight Evangelista Torricelli invented the Barometer in 1643 A.D. Evangelista Torricelli invented the Barometer in 1643 A.D. Pierre Petit confirmed that air has weight in 1646 A.D. Pierre Petit confirmed that air has weight in 1646 A.D. Job 28:25 Job 28:25
Earth Recirculation of water Recirculation of water Job 36:27-28 Job 36:27-28 Psalm 135:7 Psalm 135:7 Ecclesiastes 1:7 Ecclesiastes 1:7 Amos 9:6b Amos 9:6b
The Pleiades 250 individual stars 250 individual stars “The Pleiades stars may thus be compared to a swarm of birds, flying together to a distant goal. This leaves no doubt that the Pleiades are not a temporary or accidental agglomeration of stars, but a system in which the stars are bound together by a close kinship.” - Dr. Robert J. Trumpler “The Pleiades stars may thus be compared to a swarm of birds, flying together to a distant goal. This leaves no doubt that the Pleiades are not a temporary or accidental agglomeration of stars, but a system in which the stars are bound together by a close kinship.” - Dr. Robert J. Trumpler
Orion’s Belt “At the present time this band consists of an almost perfect straight line, a row of second-magnitude stars about equally spaced and of the most striking beauty. In the course of time, however, the two right-hand stars, Mintaka and Alnilam, will approach each other and form a naked-eye double; but the third, Alnitak, will drift away eastward so that the band will no longer exist.” - Garrett P. Serviss “At the present time this band consists of an almost perfect straight line, a row of second-magnitude stars about equally spaced and of the most striking beauty. In the course of time, however, the two right-hand stars, Mintaka and Alnilam, will approach each other and form a naked-eye double; but the third, Alnitak, will drift away eastward so that the band will no longer exist.” - Garrett P. Serviss
Arcturus “Arcturus, one of the greatest suns in the universe, is a runaway whose speed of flight is 257 miles per second. Arcturus, we have every reason to believe, possesses thousands of times the mass of our sun. Think of it! Our sun is traveling only 12 ½ miles a second, but Arcturus is traveling 257 miles a second. Think then of the prodigious momentum this motion implies.” - Garrett P. Serviss “Arcturus, one of the greatest suns in the universe, is a runaway whose speed of flight is 257 miles per second. Arcturus, we have every reason to believe, possesses thousands of times the mass of our sun. Think of it! Our sun is traveling only 12 ½ miles a second, but Arcturus is traveling 257 miles a second. Think then of the prodigious momentum this motion implies.” - Garrett P. Serviss
Arcturus “This high velocity places Arcturus in that very small class of stars that apparently are a law unto themselves. He is an outsider, a visitor, a stranger within the gates; to speak plainly, Arcturus is a runaway. Newton gives the velocity of a star under control as not more than 25 miles a second, and Arcturus is going 257 miles a second. Therefore, combined attraction of all the stars we know cannot stop him or even turn him in his path.” - Charles Burckhalter “This high velocity places Arcturus in that very small class of stars that apparently are a law unto themselves. He is an outsider, a visitor, a stranger within the gates; to speak plainly, Arcturus is a runaway. Newton gives the velocity of a star under control as not more than 25 miles a second, and Arcturus is going 257 miles a second. Therefore, combined attraction of all the stars we know cannot stop him or even turn him in his path.” - Charles Burckhalter