And Understanding our ROOTS PREFIXES and SUFFIXES And Understanding our ROOTS
Root The element that carries the main component of meaning in a word and provides the basis from which a word is derived by adding affixes*; the form of a word after all affixes are removed *To place at the end or beginning Pretending
Prefix Preclude* To put or attach before or in front of. To put or attach before or in front of. To settle or arrange in advance. Preclude* *root word meaning to close
Suffix An affix added to the end of a word or stem, serving to form a new word or a functional ending, such as -ness in gentleness, -ing in walking, or -s in sits. thankful
pro (forward) cess (going) ion (the act of) Procession ion – the act of cess – to go pro – for, forward pro (forward) cess (going) ion (the act of) Meaning? The act of moving along or forward; progression
Many of the words in the English language have three parts: a prefix, a root, and a suffix. If you learn some prefixes, some roots, and a few suffixes, you can multiply your vocabulary rather than merely add to it word by word.
You might benefit more from memorizing a hundred roots and how to use them than from memorizing five thousand individual words. Of the more than six hundred thousand words in our language, almost half come from about eight hundred roots.
The two ancient languages that provide the roots for many of our words are Latin and Greek. Ten Latin verbs provide roots for more than two thousand of our words.
ROOTS FOR ENGLISH WORDS LATIN VERB MEANING cap-(cip-) capt-(cept-) capio take, seize duct- duc- duco lead fac-(fic-)fact-(fect-) facio do, make fer- lat- fero carry, bear mit- mitt- miss- mitto send -plica- plicat-(plect-)(plex-) plico fold pon- posit- pono place, put tend- tent- tendo stretch tene- tent- teneo have, hold spec-(spic-)speci- spect- specio observe, see
Inconceivable Prefixes In – not Con - with Root - Ceiv - take Suffix -able – able to be Receive Conceive Conceivability Inconceivable adj. – impossible to comprehend or grasp fully