Created by Vanessa Pelfrey
Prefixes are letters that are added to the beginning of a word.
For example preschool The prefix is pre- The prefix pre means “before” so the word preschool means “before school”
A prefix changes the meaning of a word.
PrefixRoot WordNew Word im- (not) politeimpolite (not polite) in- (not) completeincomplete (not complete) bi- (two) cyclebicycle (two wheels) non- (not) stopnonstop (without stopping) dis- (not or opposite of) agreedisagree (not agreeing) re- (again) usereuse (to use again)
Suffixes are letters added to the end of a word.
A suffix also changes the meaning of a word.
For example careless The suffix is –less The suffix –less means without so the word careless means “without care”
Root WordSuffixNew Word home-less (without) homeless (without a home) cheer-ful (full of) cheerful (full of cheer) shyness -ness (state or quality) shyness (condition of being shy)
Root WordSuffixNew Word farm-er (someone who) farmer (someone who farms) act-or (someone who) actor (someone who acts) bend -able (can be) bendable (can be bent) reverse -ible (can be) reversible (can be reversed)
Root Words A root word is a real word. We make new words from root words by adding prefixes and suffixes.
Sometimes the root word is also called the base word (That is a USEful piece of information!!)
For example In the word unhappy the root word is happy In the word eventful the root word is event
What’s the root word? wildly beautiful sleepily uncomfortable incomplete
What’s the root word? wildly beautiful sleepily uncomfortable incomplete wild beauty sleepy comfortable complete
Can you think of any words with prefixes and suffixes?
Practice Makes Perfect!! =4&que=1 =4&que=1