What are they and why do we need to know them? Alnjah JHS
Prefix - beginning Root – main word Suffix - ending Alnjah JHS
What is a root word? word you can add beginnings and ends to Why look at root word? helps find meanings of words Alnjah JHS
What is a prefix? word that has its own meaning add to change meaning of words Alnjah JHS
Prefix pre- un- dis- re- mis- im- super- under- Meaning before not again not large/ powerful lower Example preschool unhappy dislike rewrite misunderstand impossible supermarket underground Alnjah JHS
What is a suffix? group of letters attached to ends of words can indicate what part of speech the word belongs also changes meaning Alnjah JHS
Example of Suffixed Word Example of Original Word MakingSuffix preparationprepare noun -tion divisiondivide-sion teacherteach-er kindnesskind-ness treatmenttreat-ment comfortablecomfort adjective -able dangerousdanger-ous activeact-ive helpfulhelp-ful helplesshelp-less easyease-y memorizememoryverb-ize Alnjah JHS