Public participation in revising the Local Agenda 21 for the City of Reykjavik, Iceland Ellý Guðmundsdóttir Director Department of Environment, The City of Reykjavik, Iceland
A website launched referring to the wife of the first settler in Iceland, Mrs. Hallveig Fróðadóttir and the well of knowledge (“ brunnur ”) Mrs. Fróðadóttir came to Iceland in 874 AD
They began Now its your turn!
Possible joint projects on sustainable development between neighbouring municipalities Green accounts and environmental management Environment and public healthPublic participation and my neighbourhood Air, land and water pollutionInnovation in sustainable development Nature conservation and recreationEnvironmental education Consumption and waste managementTransport Land use and buildings of the future Stakeholder theme groups
Sorted ideas according to themes ThemesNumber of ideas Recreation areas100 Transport66 Nature conservation7 Waste and littering40 Land use and planning75 Pollution16 Democracy2 Public health8 Dog control1 Other ideas18 Total333
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