Introduction to Environmental Science Triplet A, B, C Perlowski/ Bronico
Unit1 We’re gonna have fun in unit 1
What is Environmental Science ? It studies the impact of humans on the environment The goal is to understand & solve environmental problems Focus of Environmental Science How do we use natural recourses, such as water and plants. How do our actions alter the environment?
Environmental Science is an interdisciplinary science What does that mean? Interdisciplinary Science
Includes Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Physics, Social Sciences Life Sciences etc.
A Closer look at the Science Disciplines Biology Zoology Study of animals Botany Study of plants Microbiology Study of microorganisms Ecology How organisms interact with their environment
Earth Science GeologyPaleontologyClimatologyHydrology
Chemistry BiochemistryGeochemistry
Social Science GeographyAnthropologySociology
Physics Engineering
How our Environment Changes through time Hunter & Gatherers Agricultural Revolution Industrial Revolution Spaceship Earth
What are the main Environmental Problems? Resource depletion Pollution Loss of Biodivesity
What is the Tragedy of the commons????? Anyone Bueller Main Point: Someone or some specific group must take responsibility for maintaining a resource----If not the resource becomes overused and depleted.
Major Fields that contribute to Environmental Science… Environmental Science EcologyChemistryGeologyBotanyZoology
Tragedy of the Commons “Tragedy of the Commons”----Described by Garrett Hardin Addressed the question, “How do we decide how to share common resources. Conflict between short term interest of individuals and long term welfare of society “Commons”—are overosed/overgrazed if not protected
What situations lead to the tragedy of the commons? Common limited resource Lack of communication between users Short term attachment to the resource. No agreement upon tragedy of resource use.
What are the solutions to a tragedy of the commons situation? Communication between users Education about resource use and the dangers of the “tragedy” Partnership between users ( work with others) Privatization of the resource Long term Thinking Government Laws and regulations
Physical and Topographic maps
Words to know!!!!! Topography- the shape of the land surface High points---Hills, Mountains, ridges Low Points---Streams, river, Valley bottom Physical Map - depicts land elevation using color Elevation- Height
More words to know Topographic map-shows